~Show me~

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He can't be serious. I mean I know I thought about it but he couldn't, wouldn't. I mean who kills someone for a random girl you don't know very well. Better yet who kills someone at all. If he did, how did he do it? Why did he do it? And why aren't I scared? His breath got hotter on the nape of my neck as he was coming closer. I'm not scared of him hurting me, I'm scared of him getting closer, I like my space and I'll happily tell him that.

Without another second to overthink I turned and came face to face with the man that claims he took a life and now seems to be trying to intimidate mine. "How? How did you kill him then tell me?" Hands now crossed on my chest, trying to put the impression across that I'm not scared of him, even though I get the feeling I should be. One of his eyebrows raised as if he was impressed I wasn't fleeing out of his door by now. "Hmm I tore out his jugular very quickly and waited for him to realize, it was quite satisfying may I add" with a slight smirk on his face like he knew that made me jerk a little with fright. 

So Eric really is dead. I'm glad it was as painful for him as it was for my family. With the last bit of my bravery, I decided to step closer and ask a question I'd be dying to ask. "Show me" his face was a little shocked as he edged back a little, why is he now the one that's scared. "I knew I wasn't going crazy when I saw your eyes, no normal person can just tear out someone's throat like that, so show me" I hesitantly moved towards him and I cornered him against his counter where he then turned his head away from me and towards his sofa. "I don't know what you're talking about, you should go now before i-" my movement paused him. Now right in front of his face looking up at him, eyes locking on.

It almost feels like I'm bullying him, teasing him with my presence. "Before you what? You won't hurt me. I want to see the face of the person who saved my life so I can thank him properly" my hand reached out without a thought and touched his cold cheeks, pulling his face to be level with mine. I whispered "please" he took my hand into his still on his cheek. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" Now both of us are locked on target neither of us looking away from each other. "Give me a reason why I should be" his face turned again, this time he took his body away from mine and left only his back facing me.

With his hands gripping the counter and head drooped down as if he was ashamed to say his next words he muttered "I'm a monster". Silence fell between us as I gathered my thoughts of what his definition of a monster might be. I could run out this door right now and never find out, that is what any normal person would do. I guess I'm not normal then. I had to try with all my might to not reach out to him as for some reason that is all my body wants to do right now, to comfort him. 

Instead, I stood in the same spot that he left me in "what do you mean by...a monster?" The curiosity is taking over me and my questions are just falling out of my mouth at this point. "You should go now, this isn't the time for this" he spun around, cutting me off from this conversation anymore. He can't be serious, telling me he's a monster and then thinking he can just stop at that. "No we're not ending it like this again, tell me!" I shout as I slammed down the food and drink he had just bought onto his counter.

Now at a standoff just staring each other down, both clearly not giving up. His face shifted from concerned to straight-up pissed off, he had most definitely had enough of me. Within a split second, I was slammed against the door held there by his hands on my shoulders, the shock of it made me look down as if I was whiplashed by how fast it happened. But when I looked up I didn't see the Dante I knew, for I now saw the monster that had viciously killed Eric. 

Eye red like rubies and glistening, following every tiny movement I make, canines elongated as if stolen from a horror movie and his fingernails had extended as well, I could feel them digging into my arms causing me to squirm a little. My mouth is not working, no words dare to come out but my eyes tell a different story, as I can't take them away from his, but not in fear, in astonishment. "Is this what you wanted? Is this what you had imagined? You really should have gone when I told you to". Of course, it's not what I imagined I never even had a chance to imagine anything, I was too busy trying not to die the day before.

Suddenly he plunged at me, aiming for my neck making me close my eyes in preparation for what was coming. Heart racing a little faster and tensing up my body, but before he could make the impact he hesitated. My eyes opened on their own, If only I had focused earlier on him rather than my questions being answered I would have realized he was actually sweating and swaying a lot, he did not look well. His grip got loose and his hands slid down mine but before I could react he dropped to the floor unconscious. 

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