~Lust filled thoughts~

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He guided me to the bedroom with no words exchanged between us on the way and he laid me down on the bed he had already prepared for the both of us, it's not a big bed so we will have to be pretty close together, even closer than we were when he stayed at mine because at that time we just snuggled together for him to go to sleep but it's only midnight right now so this isn't the time for him to sleep, so why would he guide me here knowing that? Is he expecting something or am I overthinking this little sleepover? maybe I'm the one expecting something and he's thinking innocently, meanwhile, my thoughts are filled with lust.

The covers are already pulled back, ready for us to get tucked in and he had placed me ever so gently onto it all while staring at me, I've never seen him look at me with such intent. His hands caressed my cheek ever so softer than his silk covers will and he let out a radiant smile so infectious it made me smile back, I think now could be my chance to strike, god knows just how much I desire him, and before I know it my hand reaches out to his hand, forcing him onto the bed he doesn't fully get in, just lays on top of the covers I'm already in, just like he did when he stayed at mine that time, it's almost like he's trying to set a wall between us constantly. 

His arms are above his head and he's just glaring at the ceiling, meanwhile, I'm laid here, not tired just nervous for some reason. "Is everything okay Dante? you seem a little distant" I whisper as I lay next to him, so close yet I felt so far. He sighs and closes his eyes, I feel as though I'm a bother to him sometimes. "Nothing is wrong with you before you ask Willow, it's all entirely me that is wrong" his hands shielded his face as he spoke, "What do you mean by that Dante? what exactly have you done wrong?" I sit up and stare at him in an intruding way, hoping he gets the picture but instead he rolls over onto his side away from me "Dante you know you can talk to me about anything right?" My hand reaches over to him, I hesitate for a moment but shake it off, then I clasp his hand which is still laid across his face. 

I wonder what my heart is saying to him now as I know he often listens to it. "If you could get inside my head I don't think you'd like it, there's a lot to me that may change your views on me" He's still not making eye contact, I wish I could get inside his head and see what is going on with him, and what he truly thinks about me. "Then tell me. If you're trying to push me away Dante it's not going to work, I'm stronger than you think" he chuckled at my comment as if I would say something funny in a situation like this. Finally, his hands are letting go of his face and the hand that I had hold of had clutched onto mine, making me feel somewhat relieved. "You're the strongest person I know Willow" his eyes stroll to mine but back down again. 

His hand lets go of mine, here we go again. He's now sat up on the edge of his bed looking like he's stuck in his mind I wish I could pull him from it so bad. "You don't understand what you do to me, what you make me feel, feelings that I haven't felt in a very long time" he goes to stand but I grab his arm, I'm not allowing him to get away after a comment like that. What exactly does he feel? "Then tell me, stop pushing me away" He ruffles his hair and slightly turns his head, exposing the red light coming from his vampiric eyes. "I can't control it around you, not just my inhuman urges but other ones also and I think you wouldn't appreciate them ones" His comment made me blush, is he talking about what I think he is?  I slide my hand over his back I never realized he had scars on them.

"Don't" he whispered in a slight growl. "Don't what? tell me, Dante". I edge closer, I have no idea if this is a good idea but for some reason, I feel as though I can trust him with my life. I trace my hands over his scars, getting more curious by the minute. In a flash, he spins around and I'm on my back with his arms pinning me down, just him hovering over me is enough to give me tingles all over my body, making me hot, our eyes met but I pull from his gaze before he captivates me, only for a second though as he gripped under my chin to force me to look upon his beaming red hungry eyes. "Don't tempt me" he snarled as he tightened his grip under my chin. His reaction to me simply touching him is making me want to tease him even more so I let out a giggle, his shirtless body drapes over mine making me hold my breath ever so slightly and smile "Show me what urges" my own words shocked me but before I could dwell on them further he plunged for my lips, his wet tongue entering my mouth for the first time, both of our mouths dancing together rhythmically in the heat of the moment, letting lose our desires , our cravings for each other. 

His grip fell lose from my wrists as he now snatched my waist with one arm, pulling me to a sitting position on top of him, allowing me to feel how much he really did hold back as the heat emit from him where I sat. My body moved without permission, hips grinded against his, no words were share between us, just our bodies spoke, loudly, so loud that moans fell from our mouths without much notice, I could feel my own wetness escape from me and he most likely could also. Our lips parted for one split moment "Dante" I whispered in a out of breath tone, and that was all it took for him to throw me down onto my back again, desperately ripping off my t-shirt with all his might, his shirt he gave me, now on the floor in two  pieces, along with my torn panties, wondering when they came off.

I lay there all exposed awaiting his next move, "You have no idea how much I've craved you" he moaned, before he thrusted his organ into me so easily as my body was waiting for his already, he pushed into me, claiming me, making my back arch in pleasure, my eyes rolled back as I seized a hold of his hair with one hand while the other latched onto his back uncontrollably, clawing at his bare back. The breath I held back for so long earlier finally broke loose from my vocals, screaming with euphoria, his eyes laid on mine, his hands run wild around my body, feeling every inch of me from my waist to my breasts and resting under my neck lifting ever so slightly, my neck turned on it's own, giving him access, he dived for it hungrily. My hot blood flowed out of me into him as he continues to move his hip, clashing against mine, so close, I'm falling apart beneath him, calling out his name, my legs tightened around him, He groaned, then pulled his fangs from me, staring deep into my soul, observing me, my actions, my sounds. My breath catches, even closer, I pull his face to meet mine, lips moist and aggressively fumbling over mine, almost there ...I climax.. It was almost too much for me to handle.. Almost.  

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