~The Monster~

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After finally pulling myself from the floor I've now been standing outside Willow's door for some time. Do I knock? walk in? text before coming? I don't quite know the protocol after things like this, it's not like it's ever happened before in all this life I've not lived, until her. She's changed everything for me and made my undead life somewhat livable. She makes me feel as though I'm full of air, ready to burst at any second if I had any in me that is, and even if I did I would give it all to her if she needed it, and though I haven't seen the sun in over a century she shines just as bright as one, I would no longer yearn for the sunrise as long as I get to see her rise every day, my light, my sunshine.

Without warning and lost in thought, Willow's door swung open and there she stood, as bright as ever with the most beautiful smile on her face I ever did see. "Were you waiting for an invite or something?" she giggled, she seems so happy today, I wouldn't want to ruin that by telling her about my troubled past coming to bite me in the arse today, I wouldn't ruin it for the world. "I was just thinking is all, you know once you invite me in once I can come in all the time right?" I raised an eyebrow and awaited her response as I already know her well enough to know it will be a cheeky one. "Hmm so you could perve on me anytime you like and I wouldn't know? maybe I should uninvite you if I catch you" she couldn't hold her laughter after that one as she at least knew it was semi-truthful.  

My feet automatically walk in and close the door behind me, while my arms stretch out to her. Lifting her as though she were a child, light as a feather, so fragile, I'm gentle with my hands on her waist, as I feel as though she could break into a million pieces in my grip. "I best not get caught then" I whisper as I place a peck on her small button nose, her head edged forward as though she's telling me I missed a spot, my body responds to hers and our lips meet yet again, so warm, so soft, so tempting. My hands let her loose but my gaze does not. I let her down, just a little, as I don't want her warmth to leave me yet, just enough so her feet just grazed the cold wood floor as she drops smoothly down. 

Our hands locked as she pulls me into her kitchen, I would let her pull me anywhere. "So what's on today's menu?" she says softly as she sits down at the kitchen bar. You, I thought, oh how I craved her ever so deeply, but I must resist, I can't be doing it every day or she will fall ill. "Whatever you want darling, name something I'll make it" I already know I'm looking at her with hungry eyes while I'm saying this as her heat is leaving my hand and resting on her cheeks, making them redden like ripe roses. "V-vegetable soup" she falls over her words, how cute, she's nervous, "Of course my lady, I'll just go and get the things I need for it, you stay here and relax" I plant a kiss on the top of her hand as you would do to a queen and head out. 

Shortly after gathering some ingredients at the shop, I'm back at Willow's home starting to make her some dinner, meanwhile, she's sat watching me with such curiosity in her eyes with her hands in fists holding up her head. "What?" I question while sliding some carrots off the chopping board into her already boiling soup pot. She shakes her head as if trying to get something off it, "nothing I was just thinking about some stuff" she smiled, I set the knife in my hand down as now I'm the curious one, "thinking about what?" my eyes squint at her suspiciously, "I was just thinking, if you have super speed why don't you use it often?" she speaks as she picks up her drink for a sip.

Her question is rather forward, which deserves a forward response, so I lower my head to her level, forcing our eyes to meet. "Because Willow if I did that I don't think you'd be able to walk today". Before saying another word I jump up, startled, as she starts to choke on her drink with an even redder face than earlier, I pat her back lightly as she turns her head away from me in crystal clear embarrassment. "I meant with cooking! like cutting the vegetables up!" she shouted with a croaky voice and still not looking up, now I'm the embarrassed one.  The only thing I can do is laugh, and I can't stop, Willow now looking up and we are both in sync with laughter. 

She stands up bringing the laughter to a holt, "Do you mind if I help?" she asks as she makes her way to the kitchen where the rest of the uncut vegetables lay on the side. "knock yourself out" I say while smiling at her and taking a step back, allowing her some more room to concentrate on cutting. My eyes still follow her every move, admiring her, "What are you looking at?" she says as she glances up at me, "Just admiring you" I chuckled, causing her to smile, but while doing so she slips up with the knife "OUCH!", making a small wound on her finger, blood starts to flow out quicker than expected and all I can do is face the other way as quickly as can, panicked. 

Why am I panicking? "Dante is everything okay?" she asked while running her finger under the tap, her voice seems so faint, yet her heart, thumping and the blood flowing from it seemed so loud, so loud it was almost deafening. I can't look at her, why? The smell, oh god why does it smell so divine, so...Appetizing. My mouth begins to water and she's calling my name but I can't respond, all I can do is hold my hand over my face in hopes the smell goes away soon, but it doesn't and I think it's getting closer. 

Without another second to think her hand was on my shoulder, my mind was clouded with red, the monster I had tried so hard to keep down rose up, how I controlled it for so long, now it controlled me, and my body swung around, pushing her hand off my shoulder and before I knew it my mouth had latched onto her neck, digging in so deep she even let out a small scream. The scream was muffled but it was just loud enough in my ear that it brought me back to my senses, I forced myself to free her from my grip, and I pulled away to reveal a lot of blood was lost, she was pale, I was too late, she had already fallen unconscious. 

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