~My protector not my monster~

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After some time all of my wounds were looked after by Dante, he had wrapped bandages around my knees, there wasn't much that could be done about my face as my eye had started to bruise and there was redness to my face, it wouldn't need a plaster on it. We had sat for a while talking and he looked after me, both still sat wrapped in towels drinking our coffees.

We both spoke about many things including what had happened, but nothing about where we both go from here, whether or not we will still be somewhat friends after this incident, but to me no matter what this man does it doesn't put me off or see him in the monstrous way he describes himself. As we are now both sitting next to each other I reach my hand to his face but he dodged it, leaving me heartbroken at his response to me. 

"Dante, what's wrong?" I asked while his eyes strayed from mine to look at the wall and sighed.

"I just think any normal person wouldn't want to go near a murderer," He said quietly.

I reach out again, this time pulling his chin to look at me.

"They were bad people Dante, you saved my life, to me you're not a murderer, to me you're my hero, my lifesaver. You have saved my life twice now since knowing me, and risked your life to save mine, you think that's going to make me hate you?"

At this point, he's just staring at me with a glazed look in his eyes, and then his head fell onto my shoulders, holding my hand while he did, his body is so cold, is he normally this cold? "did you feed when you did that to them? or are you hungry still?" I asked while he slowly lifted his head and got up, he scratched his still damp hair while he did, avoiding looking at me on the way up and making his way towards his bedroom. "Dante? everything okay?" I want to get up as well but I'm not sure what he's up to just yet. Suddenly he appeared back in front of me wearing some pyjama bottoms but no t-shirt on, this boy has me got me feeling some things. His arms are stretched out holding some of his other clothes for me "I think this long top should fit you, I'm sorry that your clothes aren't done yet, I guess you could go get your clothes but I don't want you to leave my house right now" he said gently as he came down to my level, is he being possessive or protective right now?

He's not normally like this, has today changed the way he thinks about me? should I tell him how I feel? or is this state just temporary because he feels bad about what happened? "I'll just borrow your bathroom then to change, do you have any spare blankets for the sofa for me?" I stand holding the t-shirt he gave me close to my chest as I do he stands back up also towering over me. "You're not sleeping on my sofa, your sleeping in my bed, I'll take the sofa" his face scrunches up like he's a little annoyed at me for assuming that is where I would be sleeping. "You're not sleeping on the sofa then either, it's your bed Dante" he inches closer to me making me catch the rest of my words in my mouth, his face now so close I could almost feel the coldness from it. "So I suppose that means we are sharing then if you're okay with that" he smirks like I'm suddenly going to back out of what I just said so I take a step forward also which makes him slightly retreat. "I'm fine with it, just don't snore" I giggled and headed off the bathroom quickly, hoping he didn't notice my burning red face. 

Shortly after  changing and splashing my face I head out of the bathroom and see Dante stood in the kitchen waiting for me, he had made us both hot drinks for bed. "Hot chocolate because my room can get a little chilly, are you still sure you want me to stay in there with you? I could sleep on the floor you know." he asks with an unsure face, god how I want to kiss him so bad. "You're not sleeping on the floor Dante don't be silly, it seems to me like you don't want to stay with me if you keep asking that" I sit at his bar head down in my drink, taking small sips, not wanting to make eye contact with him but he wanders around the bar slowly, I just know he's nosing at my heart as I speak so I'm trying to calm myself by blowing on my already warm drink. 

He's right behind me, his sheer close presence sends my heart crazy as he leans closer and takes the drink from my hands, placing it down and spinning the bar stool around to him. His arms are stretched to either side of me on the bar compelling me to look at him. "Willow, the only reason I'm suggesting us to not be too close is I may lose control, you don't understand just how much you effect me, you are like a drug to me and I just can't seem to get enough". He brushes my hair behind my ears and I don't quite know how to respond to that, I just dissociate into his eyes. His arms retreat but not entirely as one hand is still close, lending me a hand up as he guides me to his bedroom. Why am I so nervous?

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