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Finally back in my own home just sliding down the door in exhaustion, what the hell just happened? I get up and walk to the bathroom desperately needing to splash my face and get a wash. But as I got to the bathroom I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, I was so flushed, looking more like a tomato than a human right now and my hair was a mess as if I had been dragged through a hedge backward, or like I had just had an intense moment with a vampire. I shook my head and ran the tap, splashing the water on my heated face then I realized my neck was throbbing, I pushed my hair to one side, noticing the slightly bruised neck from yesterday's events, unsure of what he had actually done to me that had put me in such a trance, but when I turned my head all I saw were two small circular holes on my neck which was seeping a few drops of blood.

After I had cleaned and applied a plaster, it looked a little more I guess you can say 'normal' even though there's nothing normal about this situation. After patting my face dry my phone buzzed in my pocket, as I pulled it out I realized my wrists were bruised, I hadn't even noticed how hard he was holding them as I was too caught up in the moment, he really is inhumanly strong.

Unknown number: Did I hurt you? I didn't think he would text me so fast, especially considering the circumstances, I saved his number and shot a quick text back.

Me: I'm fine, are you okay?

Dante: Don't worry about me. Are you sure you're alright? This boy really didn't get the picture, did he? In fact, I was more than alright, I was euphoric, I was so flushed I could pass for having a fever.

Me: I'm more than okay just a little bruised I guess, I'm glad you're finally opening up to me. I started running a shower preparing to get a wash while holding onto my phone still, waiting for his text. A few moments later still no text back so I leave my phone near the sink and strip off, jumping into the shower, singing away to some music I put on. Coating my body in soapy bubbles, rinsing the hand that got cut also, as I travelled my hands down my body I winced a little, a pain came from my side so I peered down to see a bruise in the shape of a hand on my waist. Damn, he actually did hurt me, but for some reason, I'm not as bothered as I probably should be. He probably didn't notice how hard he was gripping me either and to be frank, I wouldn't mind him doing it again.

It's been nearly forty minutes since I shot my last text to Dante and still no response. I dry myself and throw on some comfortable joggers and a short top with a long cardigan, no bra needed tonight, I'm in full comfort mode, I need to try relax after everything that happened. Hair still wet when I hear a subtle knock at my front door. I'm hesitant to open it since the last person at my door tried to kill me, so I grab a knife and slowly approach my door. Before I even attempt to unlock it I send a fast text to Dante.

Me: Is that you at my door?

Why would Dante suddenly show up at my door after what had just occurred? not just that but he also didn't respond to me earlier and now he wants to see me again. I seriously thought after all that he would never even talk to me again, let alone be at my front door.

Dante: Why don't you open the door and find out?

Three knocks slammed on my door.

Me: Stop messing. Is it actually you?

Dante: Willow, Open the door.

Since he's so good at messing with me, it's now my turn to do the same, I've decided to not obey, sending him another text while giggling to myself.

Me: What if I don't? 😉

I heard rustling then footsteps going away from my door, did I actually make him leave? that was not my intention at all, damnit. Just when I thought I had got close enough to him to make jokes I go and basically tell him to piss off. In a huff I spin around hitting a wall I never knew was there. Until I looked up to realize it wasn't a wall, it was Dante "Boo" he whispered, making me jump I dropped the knife I previously had in my hands only for him to catch it. "You know this won't do you much good" He spoke as he held up the big kitchen knife. He walked to my side, placing the knife back in the rack and placing down a shopping bag.

Still catching my breath from him making me jump I try to force my next words out "H-how did you?" Stuttering over my words because he now appeared directly in front of my face. "How did I get in? Well let's just say you have a bad habit of leaving your bedroom window open" he chuckled and walked back towards the counter, pulling out all of its contents. Leaving me to wonder how did he know it was open? "But how would you know I leave it open?" I questioned. He stopped pulling out the contents for a moment as if he's just been caught red-handed for something but before I could get an answer he walked towards me with something in his hands.

He stopped directly in front of my face glaring at me with his dazzling green eyes "Sit" were the only words he said but my body was already doing what he said, as I sat down on the sofa and he sat next to me with little distance between us. He stroked my hair to the side and my body tilted my neck on its own, "You probably haven't cleaned it properly, may I?" he said as he was stroking the very spot he had impaled earlier, I couldn't get any words to come out so I did a little nod and turned my head, allowing him access. He peeled back the plaster and sighed as he did "This may sting a little" I could already sense what he was about to do as I could smell the strong antiseptic so I closed my eyes in preparation.

I could feel his hands shaking as he applied it, I could tell he was trying his best to be as gentle as possible. A small wince escaped my mouth as he was wiping away at it "I'm sorry" his words made me open up my eyes again as he just applied a fresh plaster, "It's alright it only stung for a moment" I turned my head back to back him but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking down like he was in shame. "I mean I'm sorry for hurting you, not the antiseptic" he spoke as he scratched his head. "No you didn't-" before finishing what I was saying he reached for my hands pulling them towards him "Don't lie" he growled while he started to apply some bandages around them, "Where else?" this time he actually looked up at me, his voice was low but his eyes were full of sadness.

I pulled my cardigan in close hoping he wouldn't see the other bruise he had left, also for the fact I didn't really expect company so I don't have a bra on right now. I'm stuck in my own thoughts, only to notice he was still glaring at me. I cleared my clogged throat "There's really no need I'm fine" I seriously hope my face isn't flushed again. He reached out to me, pulling one of my wet curls towards him "You really should dry your hair, you'll get sick" His words stunned me, I wanted to make a sarcastic response but he was already back at the door before I could with his hand on the handle. "There's some medicine and food for you in the bag, take it" He left without saying anything else. Meanwhile, my heart was thumping like a jackrabbit, what has this boy done to me?

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