~I love you~

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After hearing the bang coming from Dante's house I had to go and investigate, I did message him but he's not responding, and I know he wanted me to stay away from him but I can't, I'm worried about him, what he will do, I need to know what is going on with him. So I swallowed what little part of me that was scared of him and went around, placing one knock on the door, but to no answer, I decided to walk in, he needs to know I'm not afraid of him, no matter what he does, but what I was presented with when I walked in did scare me. 

Dante was on the floor, shaking, paler than usual and covered in sweat. I threw myself down at him, terrified now, what was wrong with him? he almost looked like he was dying. "Dante, what's wrong?" I put my hand to his face, he was on fire, I mean that almost literally, he was too hot to even touch, and his eyes were droopy like he couldn't even see me, I need to do something. I don't know much about vampire health but looking at him he looks like he's overdosed on something, he can't even speak.

I pick him up from behind his arms, though he's heavy I can still drag him. I haul him into his bathroom, place him in the bath and switch the cold water on, I get in with him so I can keep his head up, holding him in my arms like a child. The cold water seems to be affecting him a little bit, making him grunt and groan. He must have taken something, I do what anybody would do to a human, I have no idea if it will work on a vampire, I hope this works, I poke my fingers down his throat and he begins to gag, throwing up almost immediately, he threw up blood, I can't tell if that's good or bad, for humans I suppose it would be bad but for him maybe it's a good thing. 

He threw up for a little while, and he's starting to come back around, latching onto my arms for comfort while he did, still in the shower, he looks at me, still not being able to talk, he just cried, cried so loudly and painfully, I just held onto him as tight as I could, I have no idea what's happened to him to make him like this, but seeing him like this made me cry with him, it hurt, my heart ached for him. He cried, screamed and held onto me for a long time, just nuzzled into my chest and I stroked his hair, telling him everything will be okay, not knowing if it will be. 

Shortly after he came back almost fully I helped him to get dressed and into his bed, I was about to leave when he finally said something. "Please don't go" he looked at me with sadness filling up his eyes, I couldn't leave him like that. I got into bed with him, and he snuggled up to me pretty fast, laying on my chest. "I'm sorry" he whispered. I just stroked his hair and shushed him, "what's going on with you Dante?" I'm terrified of his answer, but he sat up, looked me in the eyes and told me everything, everything about Cassius being back, about what he had done, what he had told him, all I could do was cry, I cried out of anger for him and hold his hands tightly. 

He looked back down and tried to pull away from me slightly, "I shouldn't be near you right now, it's still in my system" but I grabbed his hands again, and placed one hand on his cheek, now is my chance. "Dante, I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you, just because this man came back and said a bunch of lies doesn't mean anything, you know how you feel, and so do I. Dante, I'm in love with you, I'm so in love with you it hurts, I can't sit back and watch you blame yourself for everything when it wasn't your fault, I trust you with my life and I'm not leaving you" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek that was wet, he had shed tears to my words, it's almost like I could read them like words on a page, they said thank you, and was filled with happiness. 

His arms swung around me so fast I could have gotten whiplash, "I love you too Willow" we cried and hugged all night till he finally fell asleep. He felt the same way I did about him, I'm too happy about that to care about Cassius, though it did make me shiver a little I can't show Dante I'm scared because he needs me to be strong otherwise I don't think he will be strong. We are a team now and I'm not letting this old friend of his ruin what we have here, not even for the end of the world. He looked so drained, he must not have slept in days worrying about what had happened, but all this time it wasn't his fault, I still believe he may deep down think it was, but he's not going to stop thinking about it anytime soon. 

It's past noon time already yet I'm still lying here, with him. I wonder what vampires dream about, I should ask him when he wakes up, for now, I should sort out this thunderstorm happening in my stomach. I'm only going to go home to change, wash up and eat something then I'll come straight back, I don't want to leave him alone today even if he tells me to, I take one more glance at him before leaving, he looked so peaceful and beautiful, I can't believe he loves me too, it makes me all warm inside.

This calls for a big breakfast, a full English as I know I have everything in for it. A little music on and I start cooking, not that I'm good at it, Dante is better, strange though he's a vampire, which makes me giggle a little. I take a quick shower while I wait for the last ingredients to finish up and finally I eat, they say food tastes better when it's made with love, maybe that's why his food always tastes better. That reminds me, I should make myself look nice for him today, I've got a little time before Dante wakes I could curl my hair or something, maybe a little makeup, a dress, and see how he reacts. 

It's now 5 pm, I took a little longer than expected as I got distracted cleaning my house, the sun has just set so he should be waking up anytime soon. I grab my bag in case I stay over again I packed my toothbrush and a pyjama set, even though I love wearing his clothes when there's suddenly a knock at my door. I swing it open to see Bradley the postman, holding a bunch of flowers, "Hi there, these are for you from a secret admirer, they told me to deliver at this time as you'd be home now" he smiled and I said my thanks and took the flowers in, chrysanthemums, I haven't seen this since my parents funeral, I wonder why Dante sent these to me, still a nice gesture though, I did always love the smell of them, I place them in some water before leaving for Dante's house, still smiling at the thought he got me flowers before I came back round. 

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