TSDBU: [2]

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"....." Yan Guang who was a head taller and had a slightly bigger build sat beside Xiao Weiyuan.

Xiao Weiyuan was diligently writing down his notes, trying his best to understand the professor who spoke with the accent of his hometown. His notebook was very close to Yan Guang's side.

Yan Guang had a hard time understanding the professor and was thankful. Thanks to his sharp memory, he quietly attempted to memorize what Xiao Weiyuan wrote with the thought that he was too lazy to write.

"Should we go somewhere after the lecture?" Li Weimin couldn't stand the professor talking anymore so he wanted to distract himself.

"Playing games would be nice. Internet cafe?" Yan Guang suggested.

"I don't want to go anywhere." he had no time to spare.

"Come on Little Yuan~ what about the internet cafe? Win some games for me?"

"Not worth my time." he coldly shut him down.

"Li Weimin!" the professor called out with an irritated tone since the kid didn't even lower his voice bluntly hinting that his lecture was boring.

But Li Weimin was in luck as it was time to conclude the class. Despite the burning fury in his heart, the professor didn't bother chasing after his fleeing tail and would rather be stingy with his scolding for his next class.

"You should have some fun from time to time. Don't always think about work..." Yan Guang advised.

But his words fell on deaf ears. Xiao Weiyuan didn't even go home and left straight for work.

Xiao Weiyuan was from the countryside so he needed to work hard to sustain his living expenses after moving to the city. His family would send him some of their farm's produce every month so there was actually no need for him to work too hard.

Yet Xiao Weiyuan became a workaholic to an almost extreme extent, managing between three different jobs in a week.

He was working on his restaurant job today as a waiter. Xiao Weiyuan's workplaces were all close to the university.

Yan Guang sat on a window-side table and watched as Xiao Weiyuan busied himself.

Ever since the day he found out about his place and of Xiao Weiyuan working here, Yan Guang made it a hobby to drop by at least once or twice a week.

For doing so, his intentions were pretty clear.

Yan Guang really likes Xiao Weiyuan... he wrote on the table with his finger.

When did it all start? he also couldn't say.

Yan Guang lived his life being praised by everyone around him. He had a well-off background, a handsome face, likeable, and had high academic achievements. If people were to compare him and Xiao Weiyuan, people wouldn't see them as a fitting pair.

Xiao Weiyuan's looks were above average but not enough to impress. His charming point would be that he was a serious person, a hard worker, someone who was blunt, honest, and loyal... he had a lot of redeeming points however there was more to Xiao Weiyuan than this.

All he needed was one look from Xiao Weiyuan and his heart would melt...

Xiao Weiyuan looked at Yan Guang's table only to turn around and talk to his coworker.

It didn't take long for that coworker to arrive and clear his table away.

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