TSDBU: [6]

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It was an accident.

Yan Guang was riding the bus while carrying the gift that he bought to congratulate Xiao Weiyuan for successfully applying for the apprenticeship. Getting the position was what Xiao Weiuan had been working hard on for months. For someone like him who has fewer aspirations in life, he couldn't relate to the joy of achieving a dream.

However, his lover had a big smile on his face so he wanted to make that smile shine brighter.

He dreamily looked at his lover's photo on his phone, imagining the face of surprise that would make all his preparations worthwhile.

Yet the sound of the bus' loud honking snapped him out of his fantasy and by the time he turned his head to the window, his vision was met with the image of an approaching truck.


The bus swiveled in the air and harshly rolled till it stopped after meeting the building adjacent to the road.

Yan Guang was one of the few who regained consciousness quickly.

"H-hah..." he felt pain all over his body and he could see himself bleeding. Adrenaline distracted him from pain and reached for the glass hammer breaking it open. With the last of his strength, he and the able wounded tried to escape out of the wreck.

Some passerbys were brave and hurried to help so they all made it out.

Yan Guang smiled as he found himself lucky to even have the strength to save lives. Now weakened, he couldn't cover his abdomen any longer that hid the shard that deeply stabbed through it.

Moving around to help had ruptured the wound causing him to bleed a lot.

"H-help!... someone!!!" his fellow victim who sat beside him was the first to notice. Despite enduring his own pain, he didn't stop and screamed to alert them.

The ambulance arrived but even before Yan Guang could lie down on the table even as the prioritized patient, he had already bled to his death.

His heroism was the talk of the news.

But Xiao Weiyuan's heart died on that day.

At first, he couldn't believe his ears for he remembers that just a while before, he was on a call with Yan Guang, playful as they flirted on the phone.

He denied it all only until he stood before his corpse inside the stifling morgue.

It can't be.

This is a joke.

You promised me...



The Short Distance Between UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora