𝟝 - Game Night 💙

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Shuichi sighed, staring at the collection of cards he could barely contain in his grip. Their entire friendship group (consisting of sixteen including Shuichi) were playing board or card games in the massive living room. Every month, the group spent a night at Iruma and Akamatsu Kaede's mansion, the home large enough to house their friend group.

Most of the group had been friends since high school, whereas others joined later through dating one of the members. In an effort to preserve their bonds, the group forced everyone to make it to game night, and for the past seven years, no one had ever missed a night.

Shuichi watched as Kokichi slammed a card onto the piling deck in the middle of the table. They decided to play 'Uno' with Rantaro, Iruma and Kaede. Currently, Shuichi had no chance of winning as he'd fallen victim to a stack of 'plus 2' and 'plus 4' cards. He didn't mind though, it was only a game and everyone was having fun.

"I win!" Kaede cheered as she placed her last card on the deck. Kokichi and Iruma groaned, being the competitive ones, as the group packed away the card game.

"I'm getting a Panta," Kokichi informed the group. He had an insane adoration of carbonated drinks, but especially the grape-flavoured Panta soda. Shuichi had considered sending him to rehabilitation if such a place for a Panta addiction existed.

"Oi, bitch, vodka shots!" Iruma challenged, slamming her hands on the table as she stood. The two locked eyes, staring at each other as their lips stretched into a smirk.

"Kokichi, don't you dare," Shuichi warned. He knew that if the purplette partook in a drinking competition, he'd keep going until he won, no matter what it took.

"You're fucking on," Kokichi replied, ignoring his boyfriend's warning. Shuichi sighed as the two ran towards the bar.

"This won't end well," Kaede sighed, leaving the deck of cards on the table as they all chased after their loved ones to see them cracking open a large bottle of vodka.

"I swear to fucking God you two," Rantaro sighed. There was no point, the two couldn't be stopped once they'd committed. Kokichi's mouth stretched in a toothy, childish grin as he grabbed a shot glass, filling it. Shuichi watched, too tired to do anything as Kokichi and Iruma started throwing back shots as if their lives depended on it.

Before long, Iruma shook her head, groaning as she rested her flushed head on the white marble countertop. "I win bitch!" Kokichi cheered. "Six to three, wow you're getting slack."

"She's been drinking all night, you haven't," Kaede pointed out to the purplette. Kokichi waved her off and placed the closed bottle of vodka on the table.

"Doesn't matter, I won! And I'm not even drunk!" Kokichi giggled.

"You'll show it soon enough," Rantaro reminded him. It wouldn't hurt for the friends to end up drunk, as they were staying the night at the large Iruma-Akamatsu mansion. Iruma had always made a point for each bedroom to have painkillers, water and snacks in them for anyone who'd have a hangover in the morning. Despite her slightly antagonistic and egocentric behaviour, Shuichi knew this showed how much Iruma cared, although she'd never admit it.

"I'm bored now!" Kokichi whined, scowling as he crossed his arms.

"It's three in the morning, maybe we should all head off to bed?" Rantaro suggested, receiving nods from everyone around (and a snore from Iruma, who'd already passed out). Hearing a loud thud, Shuichi turned to see Kokichi sprawled on the floor, giggling to himself as he stared up at the bluenette, making grabby hands.

"I swear to fucking God," Shuichi sighed, realising how drunk Kokichi truly was. Reaching down, he grabbed his boyfriend and heaved him over his back, carrying the smaller male who continued to giggle in Shuichi's ear. "Goodnight guys!" Shuichi waved to the rest of the friend group as he, Kokichi and Rantaro climbed the stairs towards their designated room.

As they entered the black and white bedroom big enough to fit a small family, Shuichi gently dropped Kokichi on one of the two soft, queen-sized beds. With everyone already being dressed in their nightwear, Shuichi pulled the scarlet blankets over Kokichi's body, kissing his forehead. "Alright, you need to eat this and drink the whole bottle," Shuichi ordered his boyfriend, handing him two slices of bread and a bottle of water.

"What if I don't?" Kokichi giggled, drawing out his words.

"Then you don't get kisses or hugs from us for a week," Rantaro threatened. Kokichi had always been clingy around the two, ever since they'd been best friends, and it'd only grown worse when they started dating. Neither male minded, as they'd grown used to the amount of attention Kokichi required, and didn't mind giving it to him.

"That's so mean!" Kokichi shouted, his expression falling in fear.

"If you do what I said then you have nothing to worry about," Shuichi reminded the male. Kokichi huffed, downing the bottle of water as fast as he could and hastily shoving the bread into his mouth.

"Good boy," Rantaro smiled, leaning over and planting a sweet kiss on Kokichi's lips. Kokichi giggled, reaching out to Shuichi as the two shared a kiss and brief hug. As he leaned his head back onto the black pillow, Kokichi's eyes immediately closed, the male falling into a deep sleep.

"We should go to bed too," Shuichi suggested to the greenette. Rantaro nodded, the both of them slipping into the other empty bed. Normally the three would sleep in the same bed, but the ones in the bedroom could only fit two people comfortably (and Kokichi would probably throw them off the bed).

Shuichi leaned against Rantaro's chest as the latter wrapped his arms around the detective. "This reminds me of high school. I miss those days. Remember when we'd sneak out every Friday night and get drunk together? Then someone's parents would catch us and we'd have to lie to save Kokichi's ass."

"It was fun, even though we were really fucking dumb," Rantaro chuckled.

"Remember when you and Iruma were always doing drugs and we kept trying to get you all to stop? Even though no one cared, none of us wanted something happening to you guys," Shuichi muttered, smiling as he reminisced.

"I only did weed, it's not like it was meth. Who knows what Iruma was doing, but with Akamatsu around, I doubt she still does anything," Rantaro chuckled. "You know, nothing is stopping us from doing that stuff again."

"You aren't smoking weed again," Shuichi frowned.

"No no, I mean hanging out Friday nights and acting like children. At least this time we can legally go to bars," Rantaro smiled, playing with Shuichi's hair.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true. Love you Taro," Shuichi muttered through a yawn.

"Good night love."

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