𝟙𝟘 - Nature 💜

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Kokichi chuckled to himself as the wind whipped past him, the motorcycle revving as he raced through the streets. He'd decided to take both Shuichi and Rantaro on a date as it'd been a while since their last date at the restaurant. The slight issue with the situation is that Kokichi hadn't told his boyfriends yet, and he wasn't planning on it.

Parking the motorcycle, Kokichi slipped off his helmet, his purple hair bouncing back into position with a few random strands. He'd left a note at home where the two would see it, planting an obvious hint to where they'd need to find him. They'd been on a date to the nature trail years prior when they'd first started their relationship, so he knew the area well.

Running down the trail, Kokichi wanted to get a head start, knowing Shuichi or Rantaro may have found the note he'd left behind by now. Within a few minutes, the purplette had found a small bush of flowers that stood out in the surrounding sea of green. A bright pink flower stood prominent within the sea of blue petals fluttering delicately in the cool night breeze.

Pulling out one of the many notes he'd prepared earlier, Kokichi read over it to ensure he had the right paper. Follow the blood. Smiling, Kokichi slipped it into the hydrangeas, grabbing a bottle of environmentally friendly fake blood he'd bought earlier in the morning. Opening the lid, Kokichi squirted it sporadically on the dirt as he continued his walk.

Reaching a distance he was happy with, Kokichi placed the red, sticky tube on the ground and stamped on it, creating a large spurt of fake blood. Opening another note, Kokichi dropped it into the sticky, sandy mixture, watching it soak up the pinkish-red liquid. Keep going, you're almost there! Running further down the trail, Kokichi reached a large rock contrasting the brown dirt, embedded in the middle of the beaten earth. 

Using the sliver of fake blood remaining in the obliterated tube, Kokichi stuck the last note to the rock. Go back to the bike. "Alright, they should be calling me pretty soon," Kokichi chuckled. Hearing his phone chime, the male grinned. "Knew it." Opening the notification, he noticed a message from Shuichi asking his location. Sending a vague reply, Kokichi made sure to add a green heart to the end of the message, something that the three had implemented to let each other know if they were safe. On the other side, they also added the rule that a black heart, no matter the message, meant danger and they required help.

Turning on his heel, Kokichi bolted down the trail towards his bike, passing the splotches of deep brown stains on the ground. Reaching the parking lot, Kokichi took a moment to catch his breath before he noticed the headlights of a motorbike approaching. Jumping into the bush, he pulled his black hoodie over his head, hiding amongst the flora as Shuichi and Rantaro jumped off their shared vehicle.

Kokichi watched as Rantaro gestured to the bike he'd driven, the two approaching and picking up the note he left. Stifling his laughter, Kokichi watched his boyfriends walk along the trail, finding every note with ease as he followed under the cover of Mother Nature. Reaching the bloody stains he'd left behind, Kokichi heard a yelp from Rantaro.

"Uh, that's a lot of blood. Are you sure he's okay? What if someone pretended to be him when they replied?" Rantaro asked, panic seeping through his questions.

"No, he sent a green heart, he's fine. Anyway, the blood's fake, I'll show you." Shuichi descended into a squat, reaching out to poke the 'blood'. "See? If it were real, it'd be showing up as red on my finger, not pink. Plus it has a commercial smell to it."

Kokichi sighed quietly through his smirk. I can never beat his detective skills, he always figures out my tricks. Except for that time that I taped the cups to the roof, but I have a feeling he knew something. He followed the two as they approached the rock Kokichi had been at only moments beforehand. "Of course," Shuichi groaned.

"What?" Rantaro asked, having walked past the rock.

"He says to turn back to the bike," Shuichi informed him.

"I suppose it's a good idea, we should take those notes so we're not littering," Rantaro shrugged. As Shuichi bent over to detach the note from the rock, Kokichi rushed out of hiding.

"Boo motherfuckers!" Kokichi screamed, reaching out his arms to grab Shuichi's shoulders, as he was the closest to him. Rantaro and Shuichi flinched, the former jumping backwards from where he stood facing the two. Before anyone knew what was happening, Shuichi had spun around and cocked a handgun, pointing the barrel at Kokichi's head. "Uh..."

The two stared at each other in shock, frozen in place only metres away from each other. Breaking the silence, Kokichi jumped back and frowned. "Why the fuck did you bring your gun with you?!" He shouted, having no care for anyone else who may be nearby.

"I always bring it with me!" Shuichi retorted with the same volume, still holding out the weapon.

"Can you at least put the fucking thing away?!" Kokichi continued to shout.

"R-Right!" Shuichi nodded, hurrying to flip the safety and conceal his weapon again, providing no hint of the metal hunk existing.

"You guys are idiots," Rantaro sighed.

"You were just as scared!" Kokichi pointed out, jabbing an accusatory finger in his direction.

"Sorry Ko," Shuichi muttered, staring at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Eh, don't be! If anyone kills me, I'd rather it be one of you two!" Kokichi chuckled, skipping towards Shuichi and wrapping his arms around the latter's neck. Planting a kiss on the bluenette's soft, pink lips, Kokichi felt Shuichi's heartbeat relax from its intermittent panic.

"Why did you bring us out here?" Rantaro asked, stepping in to change the subject.

"I wanted to go on a date! Originally, guns weren't a part of the plan though," Kokichi chuckled, enjoying Shuichi's blush of embarrassment. "Come on, follow me!" He shouted, grabbing their hands and pulling them off of the trail into the bush. 

Weaving through brightly coloured flowers, bushes of lush, green foliage and strong trees, Kokichi reached what seemed like a dead end. A curtain of leafy vines connected two thick trunks, covering what appeared to be a rock wall. Turning to the other males, Kokichi grinned and backed into the vines, disappearing behind them as he teleported into a magical dimension. Watching Shuichi and Rantaro follow him, Kokichi ran further into the small clearing.

"When did this get here?" Rantaro asked no one in particular.

"Ask God," Kokichi shrugged. He sat on the soft, bright green grass illuminated by the moon shining down on them. Trees concealed the area, creating a dome-like effect as leaves and vines drooped down above them. A variety of flowers created a rainbow around the clearing, blooming with life as the flora welcomed the trio.

"Thank you Kokichi, this is a beautiful place," Shuichi smiled, joining the purplette on the grass.

"Almost as beautiful as you two," Rantaro winked.

"Oh shut up you flirt," Kokichi chuckled, shoving Rantaro's shoulder. "Otherwise we'll leave you here!" The three laughed between each other, sharing a loving kiss before lying on the grass carpet, enjoying their time together.

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