𝟚𝟝 - Silly Dress Up 💜

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Kokichi chuckled as he wrapped a black cape around his shoulders, tying it into a knot. Placing a golden crown atop his grey hair, natural purple tips sticking out around his head. Grinning, Kokichi left the bedroom and marched downstairs to the living room where Shuichi and Rantaro were talking. "Your king has arrived, lowly peasants!"

"Hello King Kokichi," Rantaro chuckled, the two catching on to the situation quickly. "Oh, wait one second, I have an idea!" Grabbing Shuichi's wrist, the greenette pulled them upstairs before Kokichi could ask what was happening. Whatever, they'll be back down soon. Jumping onto the couch, Kokichi crossed one leg over the other, spreading his arms out over the back of the couch as he waited for his boyfriends' return.

Before long, Kokichi noticed the two figures enter the living room in costumes of their own. Rantaro seemed confident in his kingly outfit, one that mimicked Kokichi's although wasn't as extravagant and the greenette had no crown. Shuichi stood in a pale blue ballgown decorated with purple flowers creating a spiral around the skirt. Ever since the day Shirogane showed them images of Shuichi in the yellow gown, he'd become confident enough to dress up in them more often. He'd even become more open about wearing them, and wouldn't hide it if someone asked about a post that Kokichi secretly updated on social media.

Being excited about the dress-up, Kokichi giggled with a smirk. "Please welcome, his majesty Shuichi," Rantaro grinned, adding to the scenery. Jumping up from his seat, Kokichi sauntered toward the two and bowed his head with a smile. Reaching forward, Kokichi gingerly took Shuichi's hand and planted a soft kiss on the back of it.

As Kokichi straightened up, Rantaro leaned in and planted a kiss on Shuichi's cheek. Gasping, Kokichi slapped the other patriarch, glaring at him with the gaze of a thousand Harukawas. "How dare you?! You have committed treason of the highest level!" Kokichi shouted.

"Wh-What?" Rantaro frowned.

"How dare you kiss the queen in such a disgraceful manner?! He must be kissed on the hand," Kokichi explained. The grey and purple-haired king held his head high, arms folded in front of him to give the small male a powerful aura.

"I'm a male Kokichi..." Shuichi sighed. Kokichi frowned, shifting his glare to the bluenette.

"So? You're our queen, period," Kokichi muttered. He loved to roleplay with the two, and they'd learned that they couldn't deny his childish hobby. They'd roleplayed many scenarios in horrible, cheap costumes that Kokichi forced them to keep in a special wardrobe. Whenever the facade was broken, Kokichi grew upset, but he tended to embellish the emotion as he always did with anyone.

"Right, sorry... My King," Shuichi smiled, bowing in a short, awkward curtsey.

"Well, I think this is the perfect time to have our evening meal," Rantaro suggested. "I shall cook a banquet for the king and queen." At that, Kokichi gasped and slapped Rantaro again, attempting to hold back his smirk. He wasn't actually hitting the greenette, he stopped his hand before it actually made contact and only tapped Rantaro's cheek. "What did I do?!"

"Kings shall never cook! That behaviour is below such a royal, godly figure such as us!"

"Takeout!" Shuichi cheered, punching the air with a grin as bright as an angel. Kokichi grinned at the behaviour, glad that the detective had decided to relax more often. No longer obsessed with being professional and sophisticated, Shuichi had begun to relax when he was home, not taking things seriously all the time anymore.

"Takeout!" Kokichi echoed the queen's order.

"Alright, I shall order McDonald's for the king and queen," Rantaro smiled.

"No!" Kokichi huffed, crossing his arms with another frown. "That's not enough!"

"What else does his royal highness want?" Shuichi asked with a grin.

"As King Rantaro said, a fucking banquet!"

Shuichi gasped, cutting off Kokichi before he could continue. The detective placed a hand over his mouth, staring at Kokichi with wide eyes. "Such foul language! I am astonished at such horrid behaviour My Lord!"

"Apologies you had to hear that My Queen," Kokichi smirked, planting another kiss on the back of Shuichi's hand.

"I shall order a banquet of every takeaway outlet I can find, King Kokichi." Rantaro bowed his neck as he grinned, strolling over to the coffee table to grab his mobile.

˜*°•.˜*°• 🌹 •°*˜.•°*˜

Sorry that this chapter isn't as long as the others. I feel like I've overused the 'dress-up' shtick in the other chapters and I couldn't think of anything that would be different whilst still sticking to the prompt.

That's what I get for not double-checking my plans before starting to write lmao.

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