𝟚𝟘 - Adventure 💙

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This ain't exactly fluff but I really wanted to write a chapter inspired by Uncharted.

˜*°•.˜*°• 🌹 •°*˜.•°*˜

Shuichi watched the water as Rantaro drove the boat through the ocean. The latter had mentioned he had a job that he needed to do but his partner had called off at the last minute. To replace the partner, Shuichi and Kokichi had signed up for the job, although neither knew what to expect. "Where are we Taro?"

"Somewhere that people don't know about. It took us four months to find this area." Shuichi watched as the trio approached a family of islands, flourishing with plants and trees that'd never seen humankind. As the boat caught on the shore, the trio jumped out onto dry sand. "Okay hurry up, we can't be out in the open too long."

Confused, Kokichi and Shuichi frowned at each other before following Rantaro, racing towards a nearby cliff shadowed by vines. Rantaro had warned them this job wouldn't be something orthodox but never went further to explain. Reaching the cliffside, Rantaro stopped and analysed the rock before beckoning the two to follow him with his hand.

Shuichi followed Rantaro close behind until they reached an opening, the greenette stopping to kiss Kokichi's cheek. "Sorry hun, I know you don't like tight spaces. We'll be right by your side, okay?"

"I can do it," Kokichi smiled. The three entered the cave lit by Rantaro's flashlight, a musty smell tainted their noses.

"Get down," Rantaro whispered in a hurry, pulling the two behind a rock. Feeling something grip his sleeve, Shuichi turned to his side to notice Kokichi trembling, shutting his eyes tight. He pulled the purplette into his arms, comforting him. I feel bad for Ko, I can't imagine what it must be like to have claustrophobia. "There are other people here, don't make any noise, we have to remain hidden," Rantaro warned. Why would we have to?

Shuichi nodded, keeping his fingers woven with Kokichi's. Reaching underneath his shirt, Rantaro pulled out a handgun and handed it to Kokichi, who took it with trembling hands. The three all knew how to use guns since Kokichi had begged Shuichi to show them. Although, Shuichi began to wonder if Rantaro may have known before that incident. "Have you got your gun as I asked?" Rantaro asked the detective, who nodded. "Alright, this is hard to explain but they're a rival company. This might get bloody."

"We're going to kill them?!" Shuichi whispered in shock, eyes wide.

"Yep," Rantaro smirked.

"Fuck yeah," Kokichi chuckled under his breath, his eyes open and sparkling with wonder. At least he's distracted I guess. Hearing a shuffle behind the three, Shuichi turned to the mouth of the cave and noticed someone in the same uniform as those below them. Acting on instinct, Shuichi dropped Kokichi and jumped behind the assailant, wrapping an arm around their chest and using the other to grip their chin. Gripping their face, Shuichi yanked their head until they faced him, the attacker's spinal cord audibly snapping.

"Woah, scary," Rantaro chuckled. "Come on, let's run that way," he continued to whisper, pointing at a small opening to their left. Kokichi took a deep breath and slipped behind Rantaro with Shuichi behind the purplette. They crept through the opening as it expanded into a larger space, big enough for Kokichi to breathe comfortably.

Shuichi frowned as Rantaro surveyed a map he'd kept in his pocket. I've seen cases like this before, how could I have not noticed anything earlier?! God, I'm so dense sometimes. "Rantaro, you're not a salvager, are you? You're a hunter."

Rantaro hummed, turning his attention to Shuichi as Kokichi danced around the natural room. Although we're in a cave, something about this area seems manmade, the walls are too smooth. "Sorry, Shuichi, I didn't want to let you two know since it's not exactly legal, as you know." Smiling, he kissed the bluenette's cheek and sighed. Shuichi rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he sighed.

"Just another secret I have to keep..." Shuichi muttered. "Why do both of you have to do things that are illegal?"

"Hey!" Kokichi huffed, attempting to keep his voice low due to the echo. "I'm not doing illegal things anymore! That was years ago," he frowned.

"I have to keep that secret, you can still be charged for vandalism and whatever else you managed," Shuichi sighed. Rantaro glanced at his map again, mumbled to himself as he investigated the stone and dirt walls.

"Well Mr Detective, maybe that makes it more of a thrill?" Kokichi teased with a wink, leaning against the wall. "Being turned in by my boyfriend is-" Before he could finish his taunting, Kokichi's foot leaning on the wall slid into the stone, the wall slid open behind him as he fell to the ground with a grunt.

"Kokichi! Are you okay?" Rantaro gasped, the two rushing over to their boyfriend and helping him to his feet.

"My ass hurts, but I'm fine," Kokichi sighed, rubbing his sore muscles.

"You sure?" Shuichi asked, wrapping his arms around Kokichi as he worried about his boyfriend's wellbeing. Rantaro gasped, interrupting Kokichi's response as the treasure hunter stared at the hidden room in amazement.

Focusing on his surroundings, Shuichi noticed the walls coated in bookshelves, housing dusty books turning yellow from age. Overgrowth kept the furniture in place after centuries of dormancy, the darkness was broken for the first time since the library's owners abandoned it. "This is the place! Oh my God, thank you so much Kokichi!" Leaping over to the purplette, Rantaro grabbed his cheeks and kissed him deeply.

"It's beautiful," Shuichi muttered. He approached the round table in the middle of the library, wiping away the thick dust blanket.

"Awe, it's not even gold!" Kokichi groaned, shuffling through the coating of dirt, pebbles and dust on the stone floor.

"It's still treasure," Rantaro muttered, invested in reading one of the books. "No one's found this library for centuries, I can't believe it was so easy to find here. The boss is going to love this one!"

"This is amazing and all, but there are still people out there who might ambush us. We need to get going," Shuichi reminded the hunter.

"Right. Take photos of the place, I'm going to grab the specific books we need," Rantaro ordered the men. Shuichi and Kokichi nodded, gripping their guns as they did what Rantaro asked of them.

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