𝟚𝟙 - What Made You Think I Cared for You? ♣️

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Rantaro smiled at his phone as he walked down the familiar streets of his childhood. People chattered around him in matching uniforms as they walked to the same destination, something everyone did almost every day. He sent a text message to his boyfriend, Shuichi, explaining that he'd be offline for a few minutes. Receiving a response, Rantaro turned off his phone screen and slipped the mobile into his pocket. Adjusting his shoulder bag, Rantaro attempted to breathe out his nerves.

He hadn't told his boyfriend that he was nearby instead of Germany, where he'd moved years ago. Rantaro and Shuichi were childhood friends so the two did everything together until the greenette moved away. It was challenging for the two but Rantaro had no choice as the move was due to familial issues. Now Rantaro had a surprise after begging his parents to allow him to move back and attend the same high school as Shuichi and they agreed (not after months of arguing though)!

Walking into the familiar school, Rantaro couldn't hold back his grin of pure ecstasy as he traversed the academy with ease. It'd been four years, Rantaro had been dreaming of this day for four long years and now it was finally happening! He couldn't wait to surprise Shuichi, he couldn't wait to see him after so long. Sure, they'd called almost every night and texted daily, but it wasn't the same.

Rantaro broke into a sprint as he ran up the flights of stairs toward the roof where Shuichi had mentioned he still hangs out, their old, hidden corner of the school. Bursting through the rooftop doors, Rantaro saw no one as students avoided the area like the plague. He spotted one of the industrial air-conditioning units hiding the area where Rantaro and Shuichi used to hang out before he moved.

His shoes fell silent against the white tiled flooring, the wind stilling around Rantaro as he slowly approached the meeting area. In the area where his life would change again, he'd experience with more happiness than he thought possible, he'd be able to kiss and hug Shuichi again. "Hah!~ Holy shit!~"

Stopping in his tracks, Rantaro's grin fell into a confused frown. Did I come to the wrong corner? Is this not where Shuichi is? Maybe I remembered things wrong? "A-Ah!~ Shuichi!~" Rantaro's heart dropped at the noises, knowing what he heard couldn't be fake. Why would Shuichi prank him when he didn't know Rantaro was even in the country?

Rantaro wanted to turn away and leave but his body refused. Staring at the air conditioning unit, Rantaro slowly paced forward and poked his head around the corner to see the truth. Shuichi had pinned Ouma to the metal unit with his lips attached to the purplette's neck. The bluenette's hands squeezed Ouma's waist as the purplette's arms wrapped around Shuichi's neck. As he watched, despair swirled behind Rantaro's eyes and Ouma's high-pitched moans made Shuichi chuckle and whisper dirty talk into his pale skin.

Ouma and Rantaro had also been childhood friends, although their relationship never blossomed further than best friends. When Rantaro moved to Germany, Ouma hadn't attempted to keep in touch and they hadn't talked for four years as a result.

"Sh-Shuichi?" Rantaro whispered. Ouma's eyes opened wide as Shuichi turned to lock eyes with Rantaro, the two shocked by his presence. The gears visibly turned behind Shuichi's golden eyes as he straightened his posture, turning his body to face his boyfriend.

"Rantaro? When did you get here?" Shuichi asked with a confused frown. Ouma's cheeks blushed a deep red as he slipped out from behind Shuichi and hurried to button up his uniform.

"How could you do this?" Rantaro asked, rage slowly replacing his shock and sorrow. He didn't know how to feel, this situation hadn't crossed his mind in the slightest. His sisters had warned him that it could happen but Rantaro felt that Shuichi wasn't that disgusting of a person. Brushing them off, the greenette left for Japan anyway for his fairytale ending. "We've been dating for six years and you've been cheating on me for four?! With Ouma?!"

"Actually I've been cheating on you for three," Shuichi shrugged with a malicious smirk. His personality had reversed from the socially awkward boy he'd known for almost seventeen years. "Besides, you're the idiot here. What made you think I cared for you? You abandoned me, you don't deserve to be upset about this." Shuichi's smirk turned into a glare as he stepped in front of Rantaro and jabbed a finger into his chest.

Rantaro had known Shuichi felt upset about him leaving but it wasn't like he had a choice. The two spent all of their spare time together the moment Rantaro found out and told Shuichi and they were stuck together like glue.

"We... You took my virginity right before I left... I continued to do things over the phone with you to keep you happy even though it made me uncomfortable! I've not slept properly in four years just because I pulled all-nighters to talk to you!" Tears poured from Rantaro's eyes as he shouted in Shuichi's face, the two ignoring the purplette awkwardly idling. "You've been cheating for half our relationship?! After everything I did!? All I wanted was for things to work between us! We'd even talked about marriage and having children together!"

"Are you done yet?" Shuichi groaned and rolled his eyes. "I have some important business to take care of," he smirked, pointing his thumb to the male behind him. Rantaro watched through teary eyes as Shuichi turned and grabbed Kokichi, pulling the shocked male into a deep kiss. Shoving the male roughly against the air conditioning unit again, Shuichi unbuttoned Ouma's shirt and slowly trailed his hands towards the other's belt.

"Fuck you," Rantaro spat before he turned to leave. Everything he had begged for had been for nothing. Six years of love and adoration had been thrown to the wind, he'd lost his virginity to a man who would cheat on him a year later. He tried everything to keep Shuichi's interest, but sometimes, your hardest isn't enough. Sometimes, people just don't want you.

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