[13] Can you keep a secret?

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"the art of eye contact"

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"the art of eye contact"


I hop out of my car and shut the door, walking to the entrance of Sterling's hockey rink.

The smell of popcorn, cold, and sweat invades my nostrils.

To be honest, I'm not sure where to go or what to do right now. I don't even know why Sterling needed me to meet him here, but it's different than usual which is kinda fun. 

I spot the guys skating around on the ice and I walk into the stands, taking a seat in a plastic blue chair.

I pull out a book while I wait for Sterling to finish practice and I begin reading yet another beautifully constructed love story.

"Delaney?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

I turn around and see Theo not wearing skates or any of his equipment, just workout clothes.

"Hey Theo! What're you doing?" I question, confused on what he's doing not with the team.

"I have a shoulder injury so I had to do physio today. I'm finished and I've been waiting for the boys to come out but I think coach has them staying overtime today," he explains.

"Oh, so then it's a great day for me to be here waiting for Sterling to finish then."

Theo chuckles at my misfortune and takes a seat next to me.

"I see we have a romance lover on our hands," he glances down at the book I'm holding.

I nod at his observation, "You like to read too?"

"Of course."

The two of us sit together, talking about our favourite books while we wait for the team.

I smile to myself, grateful I'm not alone and that Sterling picks great friends.

I notice him look down at his phone for the third time and I remember Sterling's words from the other day, "Who's the girl?" I ask knowingly.

An almost unnoticeable blush coats his face and I know I've caught him.

"Can you keep a secret? I don't need the boys giving me shit for this yet."

"Always," I reassure him.

"You probably already know this anyway, but Aspen."

My jaw drops.

To the floor.

I can't believe she hasn't told me yet. I'm going to give her hell tonight about this.

"Like... My aspen?"

"Your Aspen, yes."

Holy crap.

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