[27] A double take

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"souls don't meet on accident

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"souls don't meet on accident."


As I walk out of the locker room with damp hair and an aching body from practice I spot coach waving me over. I groan internally, I love the man but I just want to go home.

"Coach," I go over to him, nodding my head in greeting.

"Blake, can we have a moment in my office please?"

Great. This can't be good.

"I wanted to talk about your tutoring sessions." His indirect mention of Laney brings a slight smile to my lips.

"What about them?" I furrow my brows, not sure why he's bringing this up.

"Well, how are they going?"

I think back to the last few sessions which have been going great in my opinion, mostly because It's a lot less work and a lot more flirting. I clear my throat at the thought, "Um, fine, I guess."

"Right well I checked with your psych professor and I'm sorry to say you haven't really been improving. At least not at the rate we expected with Delaney Lawrence as your teacher."

I almost flinch at his use of her full name, it sounds so unfamiliar almost.

"Ok, and what does that mean for me?"

Coach just takes the cap off his head and rests it on the table beside him, taking in a large breath. "It means I'm going to have to find you another tutor. Which by the way, is not my favourite pastime, so let's try and improve with this new one, alright?"

My heart sinks and I feel my chest restrict. No, he can't be serious. I mean sure, maybe I'm not doing the greatest considering my interest in that subject is solely relies on a short brunette, but I can't be doing that bad. "Wait coach, I think that's a bad idea. You know me and how I am with new people. I finally just got..." I look for the right words, "Comfortable, with my tutor." Sure, let's go with that.

Coach just rolls his eyes at me and runs a hand through his thinning hair, "Blake, I'm not an idiot. I know why you don't want a new tutor. I've seen you and Ms. Lawrence. Hell, I've heard things from the boys. It's clear you like her but I think that's serving as a distraction. I'm your coach which means I need to prioritize your hockey career, not your love life."

"Give me one more chance, I have a test this Thursday. If I get a B can Laney continue as my tutor?"

"You're lucky I have a date with my wife this evening and I don't want to find you another tutor. Alright, If you pass this test with a B, Ms. Lawrence can remain your tutor." 

A grin forms on my face and determination stirs within me.


After the skating incident, Sterling and I didn't talk for a few days, mostly because I was avoiding him

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After the skating incident, Sterling and I didn't talk for a few days, mostly because I was avoiding him. The thought of seeing him again made me beyond nervous so I hid out in my room and threw myself into schoolwork. I don't even know why he suddenly made me nervous. Maybe it was because I had finally admitted to myself and my friends that I was falling for him, maybe it's because I would have definitely kissed him that day on the ice, or maybe it's because I still do - want to kiss him.


As much as I want to give in to those desires, those thoughts pleading me to kiss him, to hold him, to let him have access to my body, I can't. I'm his tutor and most of all, I'm terrified of losing him and everyone I've met because of him.

Double crap.

When Sterling called asking for a tutoring session I was forced to crawl out of my hole of avoidance and face my issues head-on. Which is what I'm doing as I walk over to our familiar spots in the library, Sterling already there waiting for me. I take the time to admire him, maybe even avoid him, as I watch him from afar. The way he runs his hands through his messy chocolate-coloured hair, his biceps involuntarily flexing through his t-shirt, makes me weak in the knees.

I decide to stop gawking at him, afraid I may actually start drooling, and I sit down beside him.

Sterling's eyes light up when he notices me and I can't help the happiness his actions bring me. "Long time no see, Laney"

"If your version of a long time is 3 days, then sure, long time no see, darling." I shoot him my best smile as relief washes over me. Knock on wood, but this isn't awkward at all, considering the unspoken events at the hockey rink.

"Give me a break, it felt longer than 3 days." Sterling pulls the chair beside him out from the table, letting me sit down before he pushes it back to its original position.

I peer into my backpack, taking out my notes and books, and set them up on the smooth wood desk.

I look over at Sterling and am forced to do a double-take. Chestnut coloured glasses sit on his face, the glass lenses providing a barrier between his emerald eyes and the world around him. The round frames complement his chiseled face shape and suddenly his usually boyish charm fades away leaving someone seemingly sophisticated and refined.

I have to fight to urge to let my jaw hang open at the sight but I still let my eyes linger on his face. "You wear glasses?"

"Yeah, just when I'm studying," Sterling delivers the piece of information so nonchalantly I'm left flabbergasted

"You're joking right?"

He looks up at me confused, and he puts the pencil in his hand down on the desk.

"No, not joking sweetheart. 100% serious, actually."

"You wear glasses when you study but you're only wearing them now? This thought never occurred to you any of the other times I've tutored you.

"Huh, I guess not." Sterling shrugs his shoulder and a subtle smirk paints his face.

I want to be annoyed at him so badly, but deep down I know these tutoring sessions have turned into excuses for us to see each other without it being labeled as something more.



I'm sorry if this chapter was short and anticlimactic... I was having a rough time finding motivation to write and this was all I could come up with lol. The next few chapters should (hopefully) be better.

Question of the chapter: Do you wear glasses?

Despite the fact that this chapter kinda sucks, votes and comments still help my book a ton!! <3

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and please reach out if you ever need anything.

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