Story 13 Serial killer

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Story 1

While a freshman at the University of Utah, I met and had lunch with Ted Bundy on several occasions while he was a first year law student at the same school. Please don’t judge the U of U based on either of our attendance there.

Now my getting to know him was for just a few weeks prior to his becoming a suspect in the murders of young women in Utah.

My impression of him was that he was very interested in women, which would send up no flags. I mean all of us at that time were obsessed with sex and the opposite sex.

But, that being said, there were certain things he would do that bothered me, and in retrospect, they were small clues. He was a handsome law student, so young women were always talking to him. But if they had to leave, like to go to class, he would grab them by the arm and hold them there. If one was to do that today, one would be kicked in the testicles by most women I know.

He would stare at women in an intense, almost creepy way. But he would never tell anyone what he was thinking. Today, I keep wondering if he was imagining killing them. It horrifies me even today.

I wish I could tell you I saw one or more signs of his being a sociopath. But back in the late 70s, I don’t think I ever heard of the word. And certainly there was not a copy of the DSM V laying around for me to check off each diagnostic criteria. At best, I thought he was a narcissist, but even that was based on a Psychology 101 understanding of personality disorders.

But it was the 70s, and it was really cool to hang around with a guy that had all the girls chasing him.

He gave me a ride once in his VW, which he used to prey on women, and which ultimately lead to his capture. I keep thinking about that car, and all I remember was that it was neat, and the passenger front seat seemed loose. I even commented about it. Later I found out that he would remove the front seat to hide women he had abducted.

That freaked me out years later.

When I learned that he was executed in Florida in 1989, I was happy. I’m opposed to capital punishment, but for me, Bundy was an exception. He had no place in the roles of humanity, and the world is a tiny bit better without him..

Story 2

 I was a young man living in the north of England (Yorkshire).

Id just started dating a girl from Leeds a good few miles away from me, I was pretty engrossed with this girl (she was my first) so subsequently I missed the last bus home and had to walk. Her family were dead against me spending the night.

so off I set, it was around 11pm and I lived about 7 miles away so I had at least an hours walk home.

I started thumbing a lift there wasn't much traffic but I lived in hope. I'd been walking for about 20 mins when I heard a car in the distance behind me, I stuck out my thumb and prayed. The car stopped the front passenger door popped open.

I should explain I had fairly long hair back then and wore it in a pony tail. So I climb into this car and the driver just stares at me for a good 10 seconds…….

His first sentence was “"I thought you were a girl!” Which wasn't quite as wired as it sounds, but he did seem to be a bit peeved a spotty teenage lad got in his car instead of a girl.

He asked where I was off too so I told him it was the next village, it was on his way and wasn't a problem. Quick 10 minute car journey.

Anyway he started chatting about mundane stuff, football mainly. Then he asked if I had a girlfriend and had I fucked her tonight. With that he tried to grab my hand, laughing and asking to sniff my fingers. I was getting really freaked out at this. I was quite a naive young lad back then.

He then proceeded to tell me about his last girlfriend and how he'd raped her because she wouldn't give him sex. I tell you all I wanted to do was get the fuck out of that car.

My village was fast approaching and at my road end I asked him to stop and drop me off. Which, thankfully, is what he did. As I got out he said, “Youre a lucky lad there's a lot of nasty bastards out there who'd of robbed ya and took you for a ride.”

I mumbled my thanks and legged it home like the devil was chasing me. I was so bloody scared.

3 weeks later on the national news I saw the bloke who gave me a lift. He was charged with the rape and murder of several young women around my area.

His name was Peter Sutcliffe. He's still in prison and he was the reason I stopped hitchhiking.

Stay tuned for the next chapters.

Once again this book contains only real-life events, not made up stories.

Thank you very much for reading.

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Next chapter: Monster

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