Story 17 Perverts

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Story 1

I was about 15 years old. I was bored with my younger sister of sitting at home, so me and my friend Ann with my sister decided to take a long walk to the port. It was 7 p.m but because of the winter it was dark outside. But as I said we were teenagers, we weren't afraid of anything,right?

We were walking holding a bottle of water and talking. Finally we got tired and we sat on a bench. After while, an old man stoped there and asked us " Excuse me,what time is it?". I'm a kind person, so I just pulled out my phone from my pocket and I answered.

I understood his intentions when I saw him looking around for people. There was no one, just me my friend and my younger sister with that awful person. " I'm Bill", he said while he was handshaking with me and then with my sister. I was afraid till he kissed the hand of my friend, Ann.

I got angry with that silly person. HOW DARED HE? WHAT HE WAS THINKING? WE WERE JUST TEENAGERS! So, I told him " Hey, get away or we are going to call the police..." He didn't seem to look upset... he just answered " Oh! come on now, how about come all togeter for a coffe and then to give me your number?'' " I said no sir, now go away!'' I shouted to him.

" You have so beautiful eyes young princess." he continued. I looked my friend and my sister in their eyes and they understood that we had to left that place behind and find someone to help us.

So we started running away from the pedophelic man, but he started running too!

Luckily because of his age he got tired and lost us. We were still terridied, so when we found a young lady we felt relied. I explained to her breathless what had happened and she said " Come with me, let's get away from here. Would you like me to call the police? How he looked like?". " We just wanna go home..." I said. " Fine, I'll give you my phone to call your parents ok?''. We noded.

Our parents picked us up and said thanks to the lady. We were looking her like a superhero...

Story 2

I was travelling by train for a journey of 30 hours.

I boarded the train, it was a three tier A.C. compartment, but quite empty as the train had recently been started and very few people knew about it.

This man, about 40 years of age took a seat in front of me and asked me if I was alone. I replied in affirmative and went back to my book. He then told me that he is like my father and I need not worry about travelling alone. I smiled, but did not reply.

Next, he offered me a few pastries he was carrying. I declined because I never eat anything offered by strangers. Anywhere. He got offended and asked me to have at least one. I declined politely, telling him that I was quite full. He told me I was being arrogant. I ignored.

Later, he commented on the book I was reading, and handed me a book, claiming his book was better. I told him not to bother me. He said "I am like your father and you should listen to me, for your own safety"

Me- "Sir you are not my father. Please stop disturbing me."

Him- "You are such an arrogant girl."

I ignored, yet again.

Later I went to a different coach and found a young couple who were travelling to the same place as me. I told them of my predicament and both of them and I went to TC and requested him to provide a seat next to them. He obliged.

At night, when I was sleeping, near the couple's seat, the aforementioned man came there, woke me up and asked me to come back to my seat and that he was worried about me.

I lost it. In a loud voice, I told him that I was going to call the TC and police, if he didn't move. The man and his wife who had helped me also woke up and asked him to leave. He said he was my guardian (the guts on this man!) and was just taking care of me. Only when some other passengers gathered around, did he leave.

I didn't sleep the entire night. Didn't dare to go to the bathroom and sat upright at slightest noise. Later I called home to ask my dad to come pick me up in the morning. The train usually reached in the wee hours of the morning, so I would take a shared rickshaw to reach home. That day, I was scared.

The last I saw him was when my dad was escorting me out of the station.

All crime patrol episodes just flashed in front of my eyes!

That sounds damn terrifying!

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