19. Zodiac Killer

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The following story/stories have been either submitted by one of my readers or found on other websites.


My mom and I were driving up the California coast from Los Angeles to Sacramento. The date was September 26th, 1969. We wanted to take our time and enjoy a scenic route. Mom had packed a lunch and we decided to stop at a place called Lake Berryessa. The lake is fairly close to Napa, in between San Francisco and Sacramento. We had our dog with us; we wanted to walk her a bit and find a place to eat lunch. My mom spotted a parking lot and turned into it.

The area was desolate and very quiet. There was one car in the parking lot; it was an off-white sedan. My mother noticed that there were clothes on hangers hanging from the little hooks behind the windows in the back seat of the car. She commented that, because of the clothing, it looked like someone was traveling. She didn’t say anything more, but I sensed that she was a bit wary about being in such a lonely place and seeing one car in the parking lot, but not a soul around.

Mom and I began walking with our dog on her leash and looking for a spot to sit down and eat lunch. We saw a few picnic tables in the short distance. The lake was to our left as we walked toward the picnic tables. But before we sat down at one of the tables we wanted to let our dog walk a bit more. So we turned in a somewhat wide circle; the lake and the narrow beach along the lake was now to our right. There were tall, brown weeds in front of us, but off to the right.

As we were walking along we heard a voice that came from the tall weeds. The voice, clearly a male voice and somewhat gruff, called, “Hey! Pssst! Psst! Hey you! Come here!” And he repeated again, “Pssst! Come here!” (As I’m writing this and remembering the freeze-frame fear of that moment, I have chills.)

My mother yelled, “RUN!” and grabbed the dog in her arms. We RAN. Ran back to our VW Bug, jumped in, locked the doors, and got out of there faster than fast.

On September 28th, 1969 the TV and the newspapers were full of news about a hideous attack at Lake Berryessa. The Zodiac Killer had murdered a young woman and severely wounded a young man who had been sitting on the exact beach by the lake my mother and I had passed, just before hearing the voice coming from the weeds.

My mother heard the news and said, “Yep. It was him.”

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Once again this book contains only real-life events, not made up stories.

Thank you very much for reading.

If you want your stories to be published here, private message me and get a chance to have your story in this book.

Next chapter: Ted Bundy

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