Chapter Nineteen

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Despite the chill that still hangs in the air, night-time isn't as frosty as before. With the correct amount of blankets and warm clothes I'm able to remain comfortable for at least five hours.

"The shop if officially empty of food." Val reports as we all begin to settle down for the night. Despite each of us knowing that that news would be coming soon, both Simon and I stare at Val in surprise and panic. Honey on the other hand appears prepared with a worthy answer.

"We'll just catch some food." She states calmly. "Nature is beging to reclaim the city so we should take advantage of that." Once again, my respect for Honey increases and I find myself wondering where we'd be without her and her wisdom.

"What happens if we suck at that?" Simon demands, always being the one who feels as though he has to rain on the parade. Despite his negative attitude, I still find myself being drawn towards Simon and his frightful mind.

"We'll have to adpat. This is life or death." Honey replies and after that statement, Simon falls silent. I can't help but turn to Simon to find him staring at the ground, unwilling to make eye contact with anyone. His behaviour confuses me since I can't understand why he's so reluctant to view life with an element of positivity.

"I can draw up a routa on who hunts when and where." Val states, their expression slightly on edge after Simon's previous comment.

"That'd be great." I say in hope to lighten the mood of the room.

"Brilliant plan Val." Honey turns to where Simon sits and from her expression I can tell that she's annoyed. "Don't you agree, Simon?"

"Shove off Honey." He grumbles before slowly staggering to his feet and limping from the room. I go to follow him but Val places a hand on my shoulder and when I turn my head, I find their expression solmn.

"Give him some time. He's clearly going through something." They say softly.

None of us know what to do. Simon wants to push us all away with his hostile attitude but I can't just abandon him. I believe that I am in love with Simon and while he may be struggling, I refuse to allow him to believe he can get rid of me so easily.


The textiles room really is Simon's favourite. I find him sitting at one of the benches knitting what appears to be a blanket.


He slams his knitting down upon the table and rests his head on his hand before turning to me. At first, I believe him to be enraged with me but then I notice the many holes in his knitting.

"Struggling to focus?" I question as I sit down beside him. Instantly, he rests him head upon my shoulder and exhales deeply with fatigue.

"It just hurts so bloody much." He whispers, sounding close to tears.

"You need time to properly heal." It's the truth yet he seems unable to accept it. Instead he begins chewing the skin around his finger nail without saying anything. It's obvious what he wants and while a part of me says no, I remove the pot of painkillers from my pocket and empty two out onto his now awaiting hand. He takes then with ease now and within seconds he appears calmer. I didn't notice that he was trembling until he stopped.

"Thanks." He says.

We need to talk about this but I don't know where to start. I don't know how to tell him that he can't continue relying on the drugs for everything. He may be in pain and I hate that but at the same time, I hate what these untested drugs are doing to him more.

"How are things out there?" He asks. Suddenly, I realise how troubling it must be being cooped up within this school knowing that beyond the walls are the undead.

"Alright. Most of the undead have made their way to this part of the city now. We truly are alone." I leave out how Frederick August has been developing different drugs for the undead and has been using speakers to attract the undead through a playlist of human sounds. His methods and ideas disgust me yet I allow them to continue since I need his help saving Simon.

"This city will be our grave." Simon states, cynical as always.

"You don't know that." I offer but he only nods confidently without saying anything else. Most times after Simon blurts out with negative speach on how we're all doomed, I find myself pondering over how I could have ever fallen in love with him. The answer is simple, he's irresistible.

"Do you think that..."


We both leap to our feet at the sound of gunshots. I dive to quickly catch Simon as his legs give out and support him as I survay the area.




A voice screams something inaudible and I feel panic lance through me as the realisation comes over me as to what's occuring.

"Simon..." I begin to say.

"The zombies are within the school."

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