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With haste and a crack of panic and worry, Banye drew a single finger dragging it in a circular motion, summoning his magic upon opening a portal. A hazy, fuzzy pool of shadow emerged through the air swirling in enchanting slow motion, stretching and stretching until the fuzzy haze is big enough for him to walk through.

It's a portal.

He stalled just as he was about to enter the portal and gathered his mind, sucking in a collective breath. He has to mentally prepare himself each time he meets with the cruel human prince.

Banye stepped through, shadow leaking from his body, each strides precise and confident. He invites himself to the human palace, painting a devilish grin on his lips as he rewarded Wang Jian and Chanshin with his grace.

"Well, well, if it isn't the ugly prince and his stupid dog." Banye crooned, his eyes settling on Wang Jian and lord Chanshin which earned him a glare and a sneer from both men. His gaze soon traveled to He Lian cradled sensually on the prince's lap making his lips curl with disgust. 

He felt his blood curdled and let out a low crawling growl.

"This is hardly the place, demon." Spat Wang Jian with a familiar spite in his sharp voice. "What're are you doing here?"

Banye ruled himself to calm down. "I need to borrow He Lian." His deep onyx eyes lingered at He Lian who silently exchanged her master's gaze. 

Wang Jian barred his arm over her chest. "You're not taking her anywhere."

"Oh common, just for a few minutes." Banye argued and added , "please?"

The prince is not at all amused by him. "No."

"Are you still mad about her turning?" Banye said slowly.

Silence. The prince gritted his teeth and leaned, the darkening mood in the room told Banye he should at least try to get on Wang Jian's good grace if he wish to get his cooperation. He vanished all arrogance and mockery lingering on his appearance and hauled the most earnest face he could muster. 

"Earnest is not your friend, demon. You look like clown." Spat Wang Jian immediately. 

Banye rolled his eyes.

"I saved her life! If it wasn't for me she would have been dead by now. Besides, I'm practically your brother in law."

A snarl, loud enough to make Banye cringed. "Don't call me your brother in law!"

"Father in law?" Banye corrected, eyes lingering possessively on He Lian. 

"I'd kill you before I consider you family."

Darkness cloud Banye's face momentarily. She is my little girl! A quiet knarly sound escaped his chest too silent for the two human to hear. He cleared his sinister thought and reminded himself his visit wasn't for naught. 

"I beg to differ." Lifting his long slender finger to protest when a shift in the shadow alarmed him of Ying Yue's arrival. He turned over his shoulder half flustered.

He knew he needed to get He Lian away and took his chance.

He dashed to steal He Lian from Wang Jian's lap when he caught a glance of Chanshin's blade cut through the air. He stumbled a few steps back barely able to escape its wrath. He didn't even sense the human move so fast. If he wasn't mistaken the annoying royal guard struck with deadly force in mind meant to impose serious wound. 

Banye caught his footing and regained his balance. His glare is on lord Chanshin. "Leash your dog, Wang Jian!" 

Lord Chua Chanshin barred his teeth in a wicked grin. "Don't you ever dare forget that I am here."

Banye conquered a calming breath, his patience is growing thin. He can feel Ying Yue nearby, she is already inside the palace. "Look, Ying Yue will kill me if she finds out about He Lian."

"Oh, so you actually failed to inform Ying Yue of her sister?" Prince Jian leaned back, his face  shadowed with amusement. He had expected the worst from the demon but this, he did not see coming. "That I'd like to see."

Not if I can help it.

Banye merely lifted his hand and commanded He Lian to her feet, It was a blood command, a master to his familiar. "Come here, little girl." He purred and He Lian was obliged to do exactly as she's told. She sauntered over to the other side while prince Jian tried helplessly to hang on to her and failed.

She walked until she's close enough and Banye gave a command for her to stop. He put his hand on her shoulder and whirred her around just so he could show Wang Jian how much rule and control he has over He Lian.

"Good girl." Said Banye relishing the clear rage on Wang Jian's rigid face. He could have made this easy, this could have been peaceful. He even tried to beg and Banye hated using the word please to his enemy but the prince left his no choice. He is far too stubborn.

The portal to the other side was already open when he stepped back with He Lian tucked in his arm, smiling at the human prince with victorious malice. 

"later, my pretty human prince..." He murmured vanishing to the other side as the portal closed in. 

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