Demon and the Beast

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The beast thrashed his extended claws, gnawing and killing unfortunate soul who's dumb enough to cross his path. Sound of pained groans hummed in the inky sky like melancholy tune that played on a sad funeral. Wang Jian prowled on the ground of the demon world as though he's the one who rules it.

Wan's platoon of demon warriors tried to hold up the beast and failed. Miserable at the sight of newly massacred demons scattered across the field, he kneeled panting deep hollowed breaths, the smell or iron stinging his nostrils, he can feel his muscles aching and tender having been under Wang Jian's unrelenting brute and unforgiving attacks.

"He's not human." He said through the huffs of air plundering his lungs. Wan reeled himself to stand up, his knees shaking, his armor dragging the dirt beneath him, but he won’t give up, he can't give up, he still got a lot of fight in him left.

"That's why they call him the beast." Murmured Nikita in between the heavy pants of her breaths. She staggered, the heaviness in her legs nipped at her.

She could still remember the human prince half a decade ago, the weak pathetic mortal prince who won’t give up on his princess. How easily she would have beat and killed him then. "Let me fight him in his mortal form, I bet he couldn't go up against me."

But the royal guardsman can.

Lord Chanshin's blade slashed above severing Nikita and Wan from each other. They both reeled, rolling back, whirring to get their feet from under them. The movement were graceful, and they seem to move in perfect fluidity like two leaves dancing fighting against the wind that pushed them.

Chanshin showed them a cocky grin, he freed the metal and reeled it back to him striking again and again and again, until the wind around them stung like extensions of his blade. He is strong, too strong for a mere mortal that Wan's heart burned and ached with jealousy. So young, and so powerful, at 26, Chanshin had mastered skills that took him centuries to perfect.

He never knew he could hate the human master so bad.

“I hate you!” The word hate rolled venomous in his tongue.

He sucked a deep breath, blade gripped tightly on his stinging hand, unwilling to let go as he surged towards the charging mortal.

"No, you're not going to get the best of me. Not if I can help it."

Bodies were already scattered like blanket of fallen leaves in the middle of depressive autumn, the sea of blood spilled beneath him like thick fine wine, his band of demon warriors falling with hardly a fight. Banye knew the moment he arrived that he shouldn't have taken his time. Minutes lost equals to dozens of dead warriors.

No one can take on the Beast, only him who's powerful enough.

"Wang Jian!" He snarled, eyes ignited with lust and thirst for blood. "Come get me you son of a bitch!"

Banye was grinning by now, alive and exhilarated.

The beast came for him, he sprung, strong legs magnificent against all the elements getting in his way. Wang Jian’s emerald eyes burned incandescent his temperature smoldered turning the world around him into embers of ashes and the wind into scorching waves of heat. He's beautiful at this form and he's even more beautiful wild and uncontrollable.

With his claws still drawn, Wang Jian slashed and clawed at Banye ripping, bending, stripping him of his metal armor until the armor itself pained Banye that he was forced to ripped them off his body. 

He ripped his armor off and committed blow per blow, striking untiringly answering everything Wang Jian pummeled at him.

Again, and again, and again.

More, more, more!

He ruled his breath, each one ravaged his throat and laughed at the fun he's having.

"Wang Jian?! You son of a bitch! I love you!"


Banye's focus was sliced by Ying Yue's confused and horrified voice. He glanced over her way on the side of his eye he had not expected her to there. He had left her in the palace safe. What is she doing here?

"Get away, Ying Yue!" He rasped.

That's all it took giving Wang Jian the slightest advantage. Even the smallest opening and even the quickest wisp of time is enough to let the beast get the best of the fight.

The night folded around him, flash of red and white flickered like starlight behind his eyes, accompanied by pain. It's all Banye is seeing as the claws pummeled at his chest, his face, arms, and legs, slicing and cutting him.

He squirmed around the coming strikes, Ying Yue's screams ringing loudly inside his mind, yanking and twisting his focus away. He couldn't drown them out, he couldn't push her away, her face, her thin voice forced their way in.

Shut up Ying Yue! He yelled against his head, but the soul bond only works one way and not the other way around. He's the only one getting pounded.

The clawing is beginning to hurt now. Wang Jian saddled on his waist, his weight holding his back pressed on the ground. This would have been a lot more entertaining if it was just the two of them.

Another yelp cut across the field, Wan and Nikita fighting opposed Chanshin, two against one, and yet, they still couldn't overpower the mortal.

He knew that royal guardman is a problem.

Banye gathered his arms before him and pressed his palms against Wang Jian's face. He's hot and it burns, it feels like his skin is melting off, but he knows he need to push. Push harder. He grunted against the pressure. Wang Jian's muscles reacting, contracting and constricting getting stronger and harder. Wang Jian is like a statue made of steel immovable...but not invincible.

With a breath, he lodged his strong legs in between them and used all the mighty power of his limbs to peel the beast away.

Banye freed himself, kicking Wang Jian in his packed abdomen, causing him to lurch and stagger back.

But Ying Yue was still there, still watching, gathering all unwanted attention to her.

"Get back, Ying Yue?!" He screamed at her on top of his throbbing lungs. "Wang Jian is not himself!"

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