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Banye's most elite royal guards swarmed through the dim halls of his dark palace. Xian's heavy leather boots sheathe with metal armor clinking through his hallway pivoted to the armory. Banye didn't have to tell him what to do, there's a clear understanding between the two  men what needs to be done. 

Nikita pulled the twin daggers latched on the leather holster wrapped around her legs, the seductive gleam on her dark eyes etched thrill for the hunt. She admired the set of her metal blades glinting at her like silver stars. She must've cleaned and sharpened those deadly things three times today while trying to kill time bored out of her mind.

"Finally, something is happening!" 

Wan snorted beside her, his casual strides were in no rush. He'd live more than half a millennium and been at Banye's side for more than he cares to remember, and it always amuses him when the younger demons get so exited over a promise of encounter with blood. 

"Move!" Nikita hissed at Wan brisking by him, she nearly shoved the handsome demon to the wall as she passed inches away. 

Wan stilled, and allowed her to pass. Her long dark hair slapping him as she brushed by. His immaculate temper being tested by Nikita for the inth time today. He gave a collective sigh before issuing another stride.

Banye on the other hand had made a trip to another direction, he raised his hand at the door of his bed chamber and hesitated. He'd been cast out by Ying Yue for much of the day and the evening, having taken He Lian away purposely. 

He groveled in apology just as he does any other day, but this time, Banye might've stoked the fire in her fury. She kicked him out hissing and snapping at him, telling him he's such a horrible man for making the pathetic little human prince sick. 

It's not his fault the man has fiery temper, his heart must have grown large by now from all the anger he'd put himself through. Most of them were cause by Banye, but he'd be damn if he admits to it, Banye couldn't be blamed. He hated the human prince in every twist and turn and no matter how he puts it. Could live without him in this world. He murmured that set Ying Yue ablaze. 

Banye squared his shoulders and braced his stomach, standing in a fighting stance that's been beaten into him through time, he didn't dare consider why his body has been trained to react this way whenever Ying Yue gets mad at him. 

"Ying Yue, I have to go." He groaned outside the door. 


He tried again the second time and decided to check through their bond when her silence grew loud and muted. He sensed Ying Yue inside the room and felt the rush of her thoughts in his mind, her searing anger flew at him, making him cringe and squeezed the muscles on his shoulders. That's all he needed to know to leave her alone. ,

"Still mad at me, I see."

He left it alone, there's nothing he could do. He'd apologize already but apparently making her ex mad is an unforgivable thing. Why does he even have to be nice to him?

She'll simmer down in time. Perhaps, after he come back from his mission and let him crawl in bed with her. 

Ying Yue tucked her arms to her chest, facing the other side of the chamber, she was admiring the blanket of stars beyond the large open window, hoping it would calm her down. She heard Banye's groan from the other side of the door and had decided deservingly that ignoring him is the best approach. She's not done punishing the hot demon. 

She pressed her lips tight as she waited for more groveling and begging to come when she heard the pivot of his heavy boots making a turn around. Banye turned to leave, walking until the sound of his boots and his metal armor ebbed silently through the long dark halls of his palace. 

That's when and only when she allowed her guard to fall. 


Lord Chanshin was already mounted on his horse, he donned light armor for travel, his sword, arrows and quiver, a set of sparring knives and his trusty shield slung on his back. 

His blood rushed filling him with elation, sweat dripped down the temples of his head even in this clear chilly night. This is what he's trained for all his life. This is why he was schooled to be the strongest of all the warriors and swordsmen in the southern palace of Wang. He needed to have a skill set that could level his prince whenever his curse is alive and thriving through his veins. 

His spine straightened, goosebumps sprouting through his arms.

Wang Jian sprung with all the glory of his powerful muscles and began hurling, tearing through the fields with godly strength. 

He's faster than Chanshing had ever imagined. 

Chanshin kicked his horse into a galloping sprint, leaning with all the fibers of his muscles clamp on his bones, his eyes narrowing in the darkness and he pinned and tract the prince's movement. He already know where the Beast is headed, to break in the barrier between the human and underworld. He'd been forged by the gods to be a demon killer afterall. 

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