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Jian blinked away the fury in his eyes. One moment he was feral, the next he's admiring this human-turned demon in front of her. 

"He Lian..." He murmured closing the gap between them. All he could think of the time was to wrap his arms around her. "What are you doing here?"

He Lian slackened into his embrace. Relief swelling in her chest. She doesn't know what she's doing there either but it seemed like she was summoned out of nowhere. No doubt it was Banye's doing. 

"I think I was summoned here. I don't know what's happening."

Jian finally realized his lack of clothing. He turned to observe his surrounding and knew immediately he's in the demon realm. He has no idea how he got there.  

"You were very sick. I was so afraid, I thought your fever got you acting insane." She paused. "But then, you turned into something so dangerous."

Jian pressed his forehead against He Lian, breathing her deep in his lungs. "I'm sorry, He Lian. I should have told you this before."

"Is this the form you take to fight off demons protecting the human realm?"

He nodded. His sweaty forehead rubbing against hers.

Banye soon materialized into thin air. The first thing he did was run to Ying Yue and swallow her into his arms. He was so scared, shaking as he checked her for cuts and injuries. He didn't find anything and his horror was replaced with a loud chuckle of relief. 

"Thank the fucking demon you're okay!" His hold on her tightened. "I thought lost you."

Ying Yue tried to smile despite her heartache. Jian haven't even noticed that she was there. His attention was centered on He Lian. She didn't know why she was upset, and it shouldn't even matter anymore. Perhaps, it's the reality that Jian never trully loved her the way he does He Lian. 

A howl erupted from Banye. Now that he knew Ying Yue is safe, he is very angry. 

He stalked towards Jian and released a devastating punch that sent the wolfman staggering backwards. 

"You fucking bastard!" He roared and lunged for the other man. Banye pummeled Jian with a few more punches. "You almost killed her!" 

But Jian has really no idea what was happening. The punches were coming in before he could even blink and all he could do was take it all in. He's back to his princely human form, buck ass naked getting pummeled by an enraged demon prince. 

When Banye finally stopped heaving sparse pants of breaths, Jian grinned, "get off me, demon. I only let women on top of me when I'm naked like this."

He sneered feeling gay and quickly got off the other man. "Put some clothes on!"

Banye heard stomping on the background, sound like someone's angry footfalls. He Lian shoved him as hard as she can. "You fucking sent me right to the fucking guillotine you asshole!"


"Jian could have killed me!" He Lian hissed. 

"No, He Lian. That's not true." He cooed. "I knew he's not going to hurt you."

"You were betting on a hunch!" She crossed her arms. 

True. Banye thought, but his hunch were correct so why is he getting scolded?

Ying Yue was glaring at him. 

Great. He thought. As if she couldn't be mad at him enough. 

"How dare you do that to my little sister! You could have killed her!"

He raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not the one going berserker over here." His glance shot to Jian still naked in the grass. "The human prince is the one on a killing spree. Why am I the one in trouble?"

"Because you're the one who made him so angry in the first place!" Ying Yue hissed. "If you haven't been toying with him the way you have been, none of this wouldn't have happened."

"Oh, so blame me! I'm trying to save the day here. I saved his new wife from certain death, he should be kissing my feet."

"By taking her soul!" Jian yelled angry from behind. 

Banye twisted over his shoulder and shot him a stabbing glare. "Look, I don't need you to join in. This is between me and my girls only."

"Your girls only?" That's rich coming from Banye. Jian launched to his feet. Banye getting a full view of his swinging dick.

Banye almost gagged. "Someone pour gasoline on my eyes!"

"I'll be happy to! You wives stealing demon!"

"You have got to get your conniving and scheming under control." Ying Yue stepped in between the two men, she grabbed the lapel of Banye's top and pulled him to her. Banye's eyes glittered. He could kiss her right now. Ying Yue has no idea how much she turns him one when she's angry. 

"I didn't know that prince was going to lose it. I swear I put him through so much more shit than this."

"Look, I don't care what you think." Ying Yue calmed her voice. "No more making him angry. We have more important things to worry about than the two of you's pissing contest."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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