Wang Jian

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Banye released her as soon as they made it to the other side. He Lian took a moment to survey the walls around her, a far too familiar wall of her childhood. Cold stone walls and its minimalist furniture, a single bed pressed on the wall aligned to the window that granted her a view to the palace's exterior.

"This brings back memories." He murmured softy and stalked towards the edge of the bed, Banye lowered himself smiling.

He Lian blinked, she could hardly recall much of her childhood. "You erased part of my memory, mostly the ones that involved you. No wonder I didn't recognize you when we met again."

But this place, she can remember. Banye didn't even leave the palace, he brought her to the old chamber she used to sleep whenever her family came to visit as a child. There were countless nights when she slept while Banye kept her company. "I haven't been in this room since I was a child."

Banye's heart swelled at the memory, and then frowned at the pain he felt, the loneliness he endured, waiting to take his vengeance on the prince only to find solace in the company of a little girl. "You've grown so much, He Lian. You have no idea how I missed you."

She smiled, her doting gaze found his. "I have."

"Welcome back." His said affectionately as a father to a daughter.


Meanwhile at the Wang's palace. Prince Jian clenched his fists, his entire body shaking in silent rage. This is not the first time the demon had taken away from him, he had taken Ying Yue years before and now, he has a claim on He Lian. The demon had already satisfied his revenge, they made a bargain, he was supposed to leave the human prince alone.

Prince Jian's riotous thoughts swirled a hundred miles per minute, gnawing at him, crushing him down at the weight of his fury.

And also, desperation.

"Your highness," Lord Chanshin muttered trying to distract the prince. He'd seen his prince angry before but not at this state. He's a different man, much older, at 28, he's well passed the silly games him and Banye play with. Wang Jian has the look of a man who is tired and had enough. "My prince, Ying Yue is here."

The prince lifted his gaze to the woman who stalked the darkness and blinked. The flash of rage simmering from his beautiful set of his golden brown eyes, at his mature age, he's even more handsome than Ying Yue remembered him.

"Ying Yue? What're you doing here?" He murmured in a dull tone. His hand pressed to his chest cradling the sudden pain bursting at him, his knees buckled under his legs. He felt himself weakened as the wall began to spin slowly around him.


Both Ying Yue and lord Chanshin rushed to his aid. Chanshin catching prince Jian on his elbow as he tried to steady the aching man. "You have to watch your anger, your highness or your heart might not take it."

Wang Jian gave a wave of dismissive hand, "nonsense, I am a prince of the southern palace of Wang, such frailties does not affect me."

" have to watch yourself." Murmured Ying Yue, she's beside him now. Her frosted hand guided a careful caress on his back and the other one on his arm. Wang Jian jolted at the chill of her touch, making Ying Yue withdrew her hands altogether. "Sorry," she muttered apologetically. Sometimes, she forgets her state, especially when she's reminded of the closeness she once shared with the human prince.

Wang Jian sat on his eloquent chair, the cushion hissing at the burden of his weight. The pain in his chest calming now, his face gaining back the luxurious shade of sun kissed tan. "I fought a war. I lost a lot of men, and spent a fortune just so I could have her at my side. He Lian is the largest investment my kingdom has ever spent a fortune with."

"And you managed to extend your power all the way to the central and northern alliance." Answered Ying Yue. "It's not all for nothing."

Wang Jian lifted his gaze to meet hers, the shine in his pupils begged for her understanding. "True, but that's not the essence of my kingdom. We don't exist for power or political alliance. We are here to protect people from the threat of evil and darkness. I could care less about the other kingdoms. I risked a lot, I gave a lot for He Lian, Ying Yue...I can't allow Banye to take her away."

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