The Beast

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The moon cast a glow of pale buttery moonlight below. 

Wang Jian gripped his body steady, his muscles buckling and rippling out of control. Contracting and exploding, and growing, shifting and taking on a new form. He howled at the pain and cursed at the moon for doing this to him. Rivulets of cold sweats sprouted on his forehead. The color in his eyes switching from acorn to the most sinister shade of jade. 

He can feel it, he can feel the change deep beneath the pit of his stomach. He hasn't turned in over a decade. The last time he was like this was that fateful night when he killed the she demon who had reaped havoc, wiped away the lives of his common people and threatened the life of his now deceased brother. It had been easy for him ending her life then. 

"Jian..." He Lian's voice broken and shattering before him. She didn't know what to do. She stirred herself to be strong but there's not much she can do when she didn't know what's happening. 

Chanshin left nearly an hour ago muttering some kind of excuse that he needed to prepare and be ready for the Beast.

What Beast? She tried to claw inside her mind. Chanshin's vague explanation only left her more confused. 

Wang Jian howled and snarled at the pain of his curse running through his veins that he'd fallen and gripped his fingers on the wooden floor, gasping at the pain.

He can hear the muffled sound of her terrified screams, being drown by the loud drumming of his hot blood on his ears.

"He Lian...stay back." Was the last words he could muster before the shift took over. 

Then it happened, his curse pummeled its way from inside out and all sorts of restraint he kept to keep him from turning vanished. The fiber of his muscles exploded and rearranged into something only gods can create. 

A gasp left her lips, and otherworldly man stood before her. His fine clothing all reduced to ashes by his scorching heat, his emerald eyes striking, they burned incandescent like virulent fire as they bore into her with so much intensity. 

"Jian?" She called to the naked man before her, stalking with graceful lethal steps. His godly body rippling with muscles at each shift of his movement all bare for her eyes to see. 

He was like an animal. A Beast. And she now understood what Chanshin was trying to tell her. 

"Jian." Her voice simmering in her lips with each of his steps drawing closer and closer until his hot hands- strong and dangerous- moved, claws sprung out of his knuckles, and shredded the layers of her robe that's covering her body into slim ribbons. 

He Lian cried at the briskness of his touch, the way he handled her, the carnal, the hunger, the want, the drive. 

She was spun on all fours before she could even blink, buckling her behind against him as he mounts and enters her.  Her pants and occasional loud yelp from when Jian got too aggressive filled the room soon after and all her worries for him vanished and replaced with ecstasy. 


Banye lifted his head from scrolls upon scrolls thrown messily on the table. He heard the rush of the howling wind breezing through the wing of his throne room . He went still, as still as death called upon him. And then, his chest began to move faster and faster in excited anticipation.

He climbed out of his throne and ebbed forward to the large open window, as though the breeze of the passing wind had urged him to take a glimpse. Banye craned his head to the moon and watched the stillness of it, casting a menacing shine on him this evening.  

"So what do we have here?" He purred. 

The pumping on his chest eased, his ragged breathing disappeared and the intensity in his eyes leaving while that handsome half crooked grin made a welcoming appearance on his lush luxurious lips. 

"How unpleasant." He raked his long finger over his elegant tresses and whirred around. He can smell danger and blood in the horizon. 

"The Beast is back." He gestured to Wan and Xan and Nikita with the same tilt of their heads, casting at glance to the disturbance outside the walls of the palace. 

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