The Prince of Darkness

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Sworls of black smoke dusted behind him as he strode the long empty halls of the southern palace of Wang. Banye lurked in the dark shadows unseen by the human eyes. He knew the mortal prince in the palace is gone, he had left the palace months before and left his wife under the protection of his guardsmen.

Weak, pathetic, mortal guardsmen. He laughed.

Banye surveyed his eyes on the halls and took a long-relished inhale of the new princess' scent, he could smell her, the tang of her mortal scent danced delightedly in his senses. He could devour her, make her his own right now and it took a lot of control and discipline not to take her all this time.

He Lian is the sweet little wife of the crown prince, and the sister of Banye's wife Ying Yue. He knew the kind of trouble he'll get himself into if he were to steal the prince's new wife after he had stolen his first one. Death.

He meandered silent footsteps as he tracked the palace for its princess until he found her.

There she is, he thought.

Banye ran his abysmal eyes on her. He Lian is as beautiful as she could be, gazing at the window to the outside. Clueless to the demon stalking and haunting her in her own home.

She was far too innocent, He Lian reminded him of Ying Yue back when he used to stalk her in this very same palace, married to the very same prince.

Strange. Banye wondered whether Wang Jian get that same sensation when he looks at his new wife?

The cool breeze from the outside blew and whipped the thin curtain to He Lian's face, gasping at the notion of her breath taken away.

Banye turned over to the other end of the hallway as he sensed another mortal with them. Someone else beside him stalked the princess in these empty halls.

Banye's smile pulled on the edges of his lips. He had watched her stalker for days now waiting for things to unfold before him.

He doesn't have to reach inside her stalker's mind to know what the woman was thinking.

The woman thirsted for vengeance and death would be the only thing to quench it.

Banye stood motionless and waited, he had lived for over a thousand years and patience had been one of his strongest quality.

He sensed the darkness in the other woman as she prepared to act on her vengeance. His hunch was proven right when she launched and chased the terrified He Lian down to the halls and took the young princess into her arms dragging her into the sweet curtain of darkness.

Banye is the son of a demon god, the prince of darkness. The darkness had been his home since he came into the world, and right now, he can see everything bright as a summer day.

He watched act of murder happening.

He purred, the rushed of electric elation rushed through every veins of his skin. There're always something so satisfying about the sight of someone getting killed, begging for their lives, hanging on to the last spark of light before everything disappears.

He knew death very well and he had bestowed it to many demons, spirits, gods, and mortals alike.

He whisked closer unseen to both women, until He Lian began to see drifting smoke that started to pull itself together, forming into a figure of a man. A breathtaking beautiful man appeared before her that even at the brink of her final breath, she was enchanted. 


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