seven ~ party of three

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playlist:more ~ halsey

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more ~ halsey

~ chapter warnings ahead ~

~ seven months together ~

In the coming weeks, you knew life would become busy. But, with pre-production just around the corner, you hoped there wouldn't be a lot of distractions.

One fun thing you were looking forward to was Yuna and Namjoon's housewarming party because they recently purchased a new house. Yuna asked you to come early because she wanted to talk about something.

When you showed up at the address she sent, your jaw dropped, staring at the two-story brick building. It was gorgeous and fit the two of them perfectly. The interior was decorated with Namjoon's favorite art pieces, bookshelves filled to the brim, and plants. Then there were Yuna's Studio Ghibli figurines; her favorites were My Neighbor Totoro and Ponyo. A beautiful collaboration of the cute couple.

"Yuna, you guys outdid yourselves. This place is beautiful," you said, slowly clapping, amazed at their decision with this home. You were genuinely excited and happy for Yuna and Namjoon in this next step of life.

"It was all Namjoon. He found this place and handled everything," she explained. Yuna hated handling anything that had to do with finances, and Namjoon didn't mind it. She was thankful for that.

"Speaking of, where is Namjoon?" You asked since he was nowhere to be found in this newfound home.

Yuna peered towards the back patio. "He's out back, setting up the grill."

"You trust him setting up the grill?" There was a surprised tone in your voice.

Yuna laughed because although Namjoon was book smart, he was relatively clumsy and aloof regarding these things. "Jin is helping."

You felt relieved you heard Jin was helping. You loved Namjoon, but you wouldn't trust him when it came to any type of cooking or building. There were many things you wouldn't trust him with. "Remember when he almost burned down the kitchen."

"Oh god, don't remind me. I think I'll have to buy several fire extinguishers just in case."

The two of you laughed while she continued to show you around. Finally, you picked up a Totoro figurine holding an umbrella. It was Yuna's tenth birthday, and she had recently become obsessed with the anime. You surprised her with it, and she squealed when she opened her gift because it was something she wouldn't stop mentioning every chance she got.

"I have a housewarming gift for you," you said, handing her a succulent plant. This was what people gave at housewarming parties, right?

She chuckled, "This is a gift for Namjoon, but thank you." Yuna placed the new plant next to the shelf Namjoon had dedicated to his greens. You wouldn't be surprised if he purchased a greenhouse for their back patio, considering the vast array of plants that had begun to pile up already. While you continued to look around, she grabbed a small, long, white rectangular box. "I have a gift for you too."

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