The past

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I became short of breath
Running from my memories
I carry my sword across my back
I don't look back after the fight
I have more scars then my age.

I would break down with the slightest touch
For all the hits I have taken
Not only for myself but for others
The greedy and dangerous ready to strike
The fear of a damage heart.

We start as genuine friends
Sharing secrets and hanging out
Making promises we thought we would keep
Years gone by you change by seasons
You stab me through my heart how lost have you became.

Tearing rolling down as I scream in sorrow
I miss the olden days when we had no worries
The crazy and stupid times with jokes
The photos we care so precious about
I wish time went differently.

Words that speak from the heartUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum