the night the before the ball drops

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tradition, tradition something simple family hanging out every year he comes right in catching up on the times everyone missed year after year checkmate your kings down beating the mastermind at his own game sharing story and laughing all night long yawning drinking more soda to stay awake sharing stories in-between cards owls hunting their prey watching Anime on the phone screen singers singing their songs talking all the gossip 1 2 3! the ball drops starting a new year running outside watching fireworks shouting Happy New Year! living in the moment not knowing what tomorrow brings waving good bye see you soon oh how times change nothing stays the same nobody know how much their hurting buts it's not to late but their gone there never going to be another holiday with you there's never going to be another game of chess no more watching the ball drop it's harder to celebrate another year without you but I know you're in a better place smiling, laughing and crying the day I remember last seeing you the night before the ball drops will always be in my memories, in my heart as a time we all shared together


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