Can I talk with my heart on my sleeve

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If I talk to you with my heart on my sleeve will you still be with me or would you abandon me
Like the ones before you
The apple drop to the end only to end up a feast to the squirrels no mercy in the slightest
They say this is cool and I believed them only to make a idiot of myself
Giving them my trust and for them break it without a care to get control
I'm weary of those who where judgement on there sleeves
It's okay you're safe they say then why does everyone know those words I shared with them
Trust shatters like flowers drowning in water it takes time to heal and to breathe again
If I show my scars will you show me yours
Are you real or fake a person or an illusion
That my mind made up to make me feel better
about my insecurities of my unbalanced trust
Can I ask again can I talk to you with my heart on my sleeve

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