The Blurry Masks

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Dear myself ,
Which mask should I wear for I have no identity, but I wish to find myself without the mask I want to get to know myself not to Overthinker doubter or self-consciousness the liar or the quiet girl that lives in the shadows nobody knows my hobbies my writing gets me out of my head my art expresses what I can't see but talking to people leads to mistakes and more scars and broken promises. I try to be this positive one step in front another but I stumble and try to re-clean my balance only for someone to push me back down. Not sure if it's intentional or unintentional reading, is like breathing, a world, not as Dull as the blank prison walls. I love Volleyball I love wanting to be on the court being number 19 but my downfall is opening my mouth to a person I could know for years and could've shied away, without even noticing, or my mind becomes blank when it's a stranger, I am an early bird, but a night owl, with too many thoughts
I talk my problems out with people like therapy but I feel guilty or repeating my problems over and over Snow Falls like winter depression lines on repeat nothing new but everything changes I want to get out there with the two many what Ifs... Now I'm sweet sixteen my eyes are more wide open to truths I wish I never figured out about I'm not that naive I developed my first crush and I have no clue on how to go about it for now I keep on my mask until Someone takes them from me or will I ever get the strength to remove the mask myself.

Sincerely, the girl wearing the mask


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