The fragile world

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The shards divide the glass of the wine

For the blood flows through our veins

Fire burns and burns until it swallows its prey

The eyes of judgment burning through skulls

Unite one with another for life and death

for the laughter of a heart singing in beats

The sugar can turn bitter with a sip

Lost on a path and never be found

Found but lost the purpose of the path

Mask be worn to act in a wonderful performance

The words dance across the page

Opening a portal to a world that exists

Things break but one can put them together

The Sword is not slattering or victory

It's made to protect a heart but not another

it starts at one point small and fragile

But to be strong and unstoppable

For when you pushed to the edge

Having wings is stronger than horns

You have the power to soar in the sky

Rather than sink in the black pit of tar

For a heart can love and break

Yet recover with another.


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