A Short Story

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The stomping of feet clanking off an airplane's steps stood a girl who was about to try to escape the haunting past.

The sun shines through the cold room "sweetie it's time for your first day!" shouted a lovely yet loud voice shouted from downstairs making the girl groan before getting out of her bed her feet touching the frozen cold wood floor"Alright, mom!"  the girl shouted back the girl walks over to a pile of boxes that were all scattered all over the room "ah found it" the girl mumbled pulling out a school uniform.

stomping could be heard from the kitchen a very tall girl walks down the pair of creaking stairs while tying up her long black hair that fades to a deep purple grabbing her lunch an Apple from the fruit basket on the counter putting on her shoes and grabbing her school bag  "bye mom" the girl spoke walking out of the door  Maryia Howell was the girls name, she moved from an unknown town in America to Shibuya Tokyo after an accident that changed the girl's life.

Maryia made it to the school with time to spear to find the principal office "room 13" Maryia mumbled opening the door to class "not many people are there yet what a relief"Maryia thought before finding a seat in the middle of the room the closest to the window  Maryia brought a simple book reading until class starts "what words are those" a voice spoke from behind making  Maryia jump out of her skin.

"English?" Maryia stated yet questioned turning around to see a boy in a suit with glasses on his black hair seemed to be slicked back into a ponytail "oh that looks confusing"the boy said before another word was exchanged the teacher walks in.

"Hello class today we have a new student "Maryia Howell," the teacher said  Maryia sighed got up from her seat and Maryia grabbed a piece of chalk, and wrote her name in English "Hello I'm Maryia Howell and I'm from small town in America please take care of me," Maryia said trying to act calm why do I have to speak in front of everyone Maryia thought hiding her shaking hands behind her back quickly walking back to her seat sighing in relief a few more hours to go Maryia thought taking out her supplies for class.
The bell rings signaling lunch time everyone started leaving the classroom Maryia stays seated taking out her lunch and her book "so you're from America, that explains the book" a voice spoke out scaring the living life out of her the girl quickly turned around to see the same boy from earlier.

"You get scared easily well nice to meet you I'm. Baji Keisuke "Nice to meet you Baji" Martian said after calming down her panicked heart.

The next day, at the end of the final classes of the day, murmured curse words could be heard behind Maryia after class was over Maryia saw Baji trying to do the math they learned earlier in the day.

"Do you need help?" Maryia asked feeling a little bit sorry for him "eh Maryia oh nope I'm good" Baji exclaimed staring intensely at his paper.

"That one's wrong" Maryia bluntly spoke pointing out the wrong problem "eh how I did do the formula" Baji exclaimed checking his papers and making Maryia chuckles "there's an x and a b and you forgot..." Maryia said taking the pencil out of Baji's hand and scribbling the correct formula.

"See that's why you were getting them wrong" Maryia couldn't help but snicker at the confused face Baji was making "you still need help" Maryia teased.

"Yes," Baji shouted "please" he added making Maryia chuckle and bring a chair closer to the desk.

"Yo Baji" a blonde and black-haired boy walks into the classroom and stops "oh to meet you... "Maryia Howell" Maryia introduced herself "Chifuyu Matsuno" the three of them talked but also helped Baji understand the math the three left the school to go home "well I go this way, "Maryia said "same" both Chifuyu and Baji making the three of them laugh.

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