Chapter 3(2): SMASH!!!

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Third person Pov~

Today was very nice day! Bird are singing, flower are blooming. At our Cinnamon Roll of UA is know walking to find a way to go inside the base. At the front of the base their was 4 people. That was Fang, Gopal, Boboiboy and Kaizo if Midoriya remembered...

Midoriya Pov~

Why they four is outside?

Does they know we will come!?


Are they going on patrol?


Gopal: Why we aren't going on patrol, captain?

Kaizo: ...

Boboiboy: Maybe we will just patrol around here?

Fang: ... Idk.

Uraraka(Whisper): Deku. Why does Boboiboy look kinda different? Didn't he always use a orange vest and his orange dino hat? Why is this all brown?

Me(Whisper): I think this maybe his quirk?

Jiro(Whisper): Guys! You need to hear this!

Kaizo: Gempa. Try using seismic sense that Tok Kasa teach you.

Boboiboy: Oh! Okay?

Gopal: Why Gempa need to use seismic sense, captain?

Me: Wait. Gempa? Does it refers as Boboiboy? It was weird? Doesn't he have name? Why they refers he a s gempa?

Shoji: Maybe... That was his hero name?

Sato: Something isn't right? What is it?...


Jiro: DODGE!

Everyone dodge the upcoming attack and notice that four of them has knowing that they are here. But! Midoriya has already make a plan.

Me: Jiro!

Jiro: Got that!

Jiro use her Earphones Jack to try to catch them using Earphone Jack. But it didn't work...

Me: Shoji! Uraraka! Now!

Shoji break all the tree around and also break a ground too. Then Uraraka float all of them and Shoji thrown all of them at their enemy.


All of the things turn into biscuit and Kaizo easily cut all of them using energy sword and try to hit Shoji. But Midoriya using his Quirk 'One for All: Air Force' to help Shoji!


Gempa using his 'quirk' to grab Uraraka and Jiro and try to eliminated them but sudden eliminated informed come to their ears.

Aizawa: Momo Yaoyorozu, Tenya Iida and Eijiro Kirishima is eliminated.

After that time like stop for a second all of them thinking who eliminated all of them?

Gempa: It might be Hali team.

Fang: Impossible

Shoji: Isn't that...

Me: Todoroki...

At this time, Jiro using her Earphones Jack to catch Gopal and Sato eliminate him.


With that Midoriya team retreat and get some information about their enemy. But...



Fang: Thorn?

Thorn: Sorry being late!

Aizawa: Todoroki Shoto is eliminated.

Me: Kaminari isn't eliminated yet... Wait!...

Uraraka: Their is two Boboiboy?

Kaizo: Energy sword slash!

Jiro: DODGE!

Not all of them dodge that fast. Sato isn't the one who dodge that faster.

Aizawa: Rikido Sato is eliminated.

With that being call Midoriya break a wall and his team retreat as fast as they can and try to find Kaminari. So sad they didn't know that Malaysia team has a hostage now! Hahahahaha!

To be continue~

How was the chapter? This is good right! Well meet 'cha later!

UwU out~

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