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akashi y/n

- when it comes to twins, it is definitely an ill fortune. yet, the gojo clan, they misused the fortune that was given. it was because the twins that were born has contrast and refused to see how far the girl can go. when the twins were born, the parents had expected to sense some cursed energy from both of them.

somehow, it was only the boy received all the gifts. the gojo parents were disappointed when they sensed no cursed energy from her. even the girl was born with no six eyes like the boy.

she doesn't inherit any gojo clan's technique (but manages to create the 'imaginary' technique). which made the author-san a little confused because the one mentioned in manga is known as 'imaginary technique' while the anime it was 'hollow technique.'

author-san sticks to the manga though..

which brings to the point that no one knows the newborn — y/n is also gifted in a miracle way.

grade : special grade sorcerer

innate technique (jujutsushiki/呪術式) :
zero/rei ()

- allows no one to sense y/n's cursed energy
- stops the flow of the attack (this happens according to her emotions)
- manipulates wind (because no one can see the wind not stormwind)
- deactivate one's cursed technique (it is activated when y/n's cursed energy flows mostly to her feet by not using hand formation which then directs towards the opponents — this takes a lot of time and practice to just targeted to more than one opponent) - works on any cursed users.
- manifests/leads the 'x' formation to simply slice a grade 3 & 4 cursed spirits

it's like a simple math, anything that is multiplied or divided by 0 resulted to 0.

innate technique (jujutsushiki/呪術式) :
invisibility/fukashi (不可視)

- makes herself and others invisible
- hides her katana/or other items so no one else can see it
- but satoru can still sense her because of the twins' sense of presence

innate technique (jujutsushiki/呪術式) :
new moon/shingetsu(親月)

- a black sphere shaped was formed (in a palm or the tip of the finger — depending on the size because the size can be expanded if more particles are collided)
- small but the impact is extensive/destructive
- works on grade 1 (together with semi-grade 1) & 2 (together with semi-grade 2) cursed spirits

innate technique (jujutsushiki/呪術式) :
full moon/mangetsu(満月)

- traps an opponent which makes them hard to breathe and dies in 10 seconds because the lack of oxygen inside the full moon
(basically, if we were in space with no oxygen tank, we'd die)
- hard to break

reverse cursed technique
(hanten jutsushiki/反転術式):

- healing (because y/n's friends were always beaten up, involved in gang fights and this is valuable)

imaginary technique :
calamity of solar and lunar eclipses

- soon to be revealed and explained

domain expansion
(ryōiki tenkai/ 領域展開) :
realm of nothingness

- because y/n manifested zero/rei, this helps to create her own domain which is Realm of Nothingness (author-san finds this cool)
- domain expansion is known to exorcise the special grade cursed spirits
- hand formation : when the index finger and middle finger meets and form a circle

like this :

like this :

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ok i tried.. damn.. the effort i'm putting in this story is... speechless..

so.. what's inside the domain?
- literally, nothing.
- complete darkness that the opponent/cursed spirit would lose their sight instantly in the dark
- the opponent/cursed spirit would feel like getting stabbed when there's nothing stabbing them (well, of course that is the way to kill them in y/n's domain)
- weird enough to feel wind in this realm of nothingness (but kinda makes sense because the wind is the 'reactant' to create the domain which is the 'reaction')
- only y/n could see the opponent's suffering in the domain


i know that i'm supposed to talk abt the abilities first then give the prologue but i was too excited to publish the prologue and other chapters-

this fanfic is 100% based on my own ideas — literally created a whole draft on microsoft for this, so if i were told that i stole somebody's work.. damn.

the rage of alexithymia is real.

plus, for zero/rei, i was gonna make that when a cursed technique attacks akashi y/n, the technique would vanish right in front of her eyes..

but then i found out an oc on instagram has smtg similar like that and i was like.. ok nvm..

so, i stick to the 'deactivation' technique that is called zero/rei.

any numbers x 0 = 0

any numbers x ∞ = ∞

0 x ∞ = undefined

get it???

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