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the year of 2005

murmurs were echoing around the hall, filled with a sea of people with different features. the four best friends sitting next to each other waiting for the ceremony to start. they even decided on which high school they will go to continue their studying.

"we all should go here! it's cool and near us too! we can walk to school together, right?!" the boy with black hair voiced out with full of excitement and joy.

"ooohh! nice idea koko!" yuzuha chimed.

the four of them were hanging around at the middle school's library. the school that they are about to leave real soon.

"hell yeah. I agree on that one," y/n second to agree with the school's suggestion. "what about you, inupi?" she said — getting the boy's
attention that was spacing out a moment.

"huh? oh? seems like the three of you agreed. then, of course I'd agree to it too!" he told.

"I hate the thought of being a junior when we go to high school," y/n muttered out of the blue which caught yuzuha, koko and inupi's attention to look at her.

"time will fly, y/n, you gotta chill," yuzuha told as she pats y/n's shoulder softly.

it is already the year of 2005, y/n found out that inupi and koko revived black dragon even though the eldest sano left it. he even knew that the 8th generation of black dragon apparently ruined it all. y/n doesn't want to get involve with those gang fights but what kind of fortune would actually makes her not to?

is she in any of the gangs? yes.

would she leave? no, not yet. she had the thought of leaving it — waiting for the right time to do so. as much as she hates the leader, she would be the one to protect the leader's sister while the sister would protect the youngest brother. she had never shown her face to the gang nor revealed herself. she only joined in certain fights but mostly healing koko and inupi because there are times that the fight went too far.

back to the reality of the ceremony, each name were called and there would be applause and cheers for the students that got on stage. they would even announce the best student of the year which is something that yuzuha, y/n, koko and inupi doesn't seem to care.

they all just care to take a picture for one more time as the end of middle school days.

"okeh let's all take a picture! I've brought my camera!" y/n called, as she took out the camera that actually belongs to takeomi. she managed to ask his permission though so they won't fight over a simple thing instead of pickpocketing.

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