Chapter 11

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Roman slowly opens his eyes and he starts looking up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly on his face

Roman:"Where am I?"

He says getting up. He knew for sure that this wasn't his bed. He was in a plain filled with tall grass but not too tall.

Roman:"Am I still asleep?"

He gets up and he looks around. There was nothing, only more land and nothing else.

Roman:"Is there no other way around?"

Roman asks himself before he sighs and he starts walking.

Roman:"Hopefully I don't get lost"

He says to himself. And after a few minutes of walking he was inside the middle of a forest which was covered in trees and had very long grass which reached Roman's knees. The trees were so close to each other that they blocked the sunlight unlike the plains. It was very difficult to see since there was barely any light. Roman scratched his head in confusion .

Roman:"How did I even get here? Wasn't I just in the middle of a long plain?"

Roman shrugged before he continued walking.

Roman:"Let me at least try to find out if there is any form of exit to this weird dream"

He starts walking through the forest and he had to admit it was very beautiful but also very long. After a few minutes of walking he starts to feel like someone is following him. He would turn around but there was no one. Roman decided to ignore it for now and he continued walking since he didn't have any other choice. As he was waking further and further from where he woke up from the more the forest started to change. The trees started growing taller and the sky although wasn't to visible he could see was changing colour. The sky was now blood red. Roman continued walking how ever.


He heard a very deep voice chuckling. He started to panic and he was looking around everywhere. The voice just kept getting closer and closer to the point where Roman started feeling terrified.

???:"You can run but you can't hide"

He started running hoping to get away from what ever was laughing and after a few minutes he hid behind a tree and the voice stopped.


He pops his head out slightly and he looks around but there was nothing. He pulls his head back, closing his eyes before  he sighs in relief.

???:"I found you"

Roman's heart dropped. The same deep voice was now right infront of him. He was scared beyond imagination.

Roman:'This is just a dream! It's just a dream! But why am I so scared?'

Roman started to feel it breathing on him. He decided to open his eyes but it didn't help him at all. He was now face to face with the monster that was chasing him.

 He was now face to face with the monster that was chasing him

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