Chapter 23

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(Wall Sina)
Roman was riding through the walls on his horse he seemed to be looked for someone.

Roman:"How is she so good at hiding?"

He continues walking but he stops when he spots the person he was looking for.

He continues walking but he stops when he spots the person he was looking for

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Roman:"Yo Annie!"

Annie turns to Roman.


Roman stops his horse infront of Annie and he jumps off.

Roman:"Long time no see"

Annie:"Yeah. What are you doing here?"

Roman:"Can't I com eto visit one of people that are very dear to me?"

Annie:"S-stop saying stupid things like that"

Annie says before lightly punching his shoulder.

Roman:"But it is true. Anyways Annie are your u free today?"

Annie gives Roman a confused look.

Annie:"Yeah why?"

Roman grabs Annie's hands and he looks into her eyes. Annie started turning Abit red due to how close Roman is.

Roman:"I want to spend some time with you"


Roman:"You heard me. I want to spend this day with you. That is if your okay with it"

Annie:"Yes! I mean yes we can I'm not busy or anything"

Roman:"Cool. Now where do you wanna go first?"

Annie puts a hand on her chin.

Annie:"Do you know about donuts?"

Roman looks at Annie confused.

Roman:"The hell are those?"

Annie:"Then I know the place"

Annie grabs Roman's hand and they walk into a bakery. Once inside Annie orders herself and Roman a few donuts. They walk outside the store and they start eating.

Roman:"mmm this tastes good. It's more sugary and tasty than bread"

Roman says finishing the donut. Annie just watched and she had a small smile tht Roman didn't notice.

Annie:"I'm glad you like it"

Roman:"I like it alot thank you Annie"

He says smiling at her.


Roman:"Anyways what else do you want to do?"

Annie:"Nothing really. Maybe you could wall around the city with me"

Roman:"I don't have anything better go do so sure"

Roman and Annie start walking through the city. They were having a pretty great time but Eren showed up.

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