Chapter 12

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(Snowing Mountains)
Roman:"What are we even doing here?!"

Roman yelled his body was shaking. The scouts sent to the mountains before they finally get to choose whee they want to go and which squad they would join. The mountain was covered in snow and it was very cold.

Annie:"Quit whining were almost there"

Mikasa walks over to Roman.

Mikasa:"If your cold I can give you my sweater. If you'd like?"

Roman:"No I'm good but thanks for the offer Mika"

He says smiling at her. Mikasa starts blushing.

Eren:"Can I have it?"

Mikasa:"Shut up Eren"

Annie:"If you two can stop joking around then that would be nice!"

Roman:"What? Are you jealous?"

Annie looks away.

Annie:"No I'm not you idiot"

Roman:"Oh my god you are!"

Annie didn't want to deal with this right now so she kicked his leg.


Mikasa got angry seeing this and she was about to approach Annie but Roman stopped her.

Roman:"Don't worry Mika she's just joking around"

Roman days getting back up.

Roman:"But seriously why are we here?"

Armin:"Some people got lost in these mountains. Out job is to try and find them and also reach the next camp before tomorrow"

Roman:"Well that's a waste of my precious time"

Roman says looking behind him. There stood Christa and Ymir. Roman didn't talk to Ymir all too much but he knows about Christa and he speaks to her occasionally.

Roman:'Why did you change your name princess?"

He thinks to himself. But he quickly drops the thought and left it for later. As they continued scaling the mountain.

(Time skip)

Connie crawls to the camp with Sasha close behind.


She says her stomach growling.

Roman:"Quick being over dramatic you two"

Roman walks past them.

Roman:"If you don't get up then I'll take your food"

After saying that Sasha ran past Roman before he even knew she was gone. Connie also gets up and he stretches himself. The other scouts have also arrived.

Connie:"Man am I hungry"

Roman:"We skipped lunch scaling this mountain and now it's almost midnight"

Connie:"Yeah... Wait!"

Connie grabs Roman's shoulders.

Connie:"We have to get in there before Sasha finishes all the food!"

A looks of realization hits Roman.

Roman:"Shit! You're right!"

Roman and Connie run into the camp.

Ymir:"Where are those two running off to?"

Reiner:"I don't know but where's Sasha?"

The scouts look around for Sasha but they can't find her.

Thomas:"She's eating all of the food!"

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