Chapter 40

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Roman:"But how is this even possible?!"

Roman shouts in utter disbelief while staring at the older version of him. He slaps himself but he only felt a painful burn on his cheek.


He says caressing his cheek.

(F) Roman:"Well it's true. I'm you from the near future and I managed to go back in time to help you"

Roman:"This is already alot to take in. This entire time I was talking to myself?"

(F) Roman:"Yes you were. But it seems that you aren't doubting my words?"

Roman:"Of course not. This makes perfect sense now.  You giving me the titan abilities to stop Annie and telling me to kill that many titans aswell. There were places that the scouts were forced to run to that were previously filled with titans. So the more I think about it. The more you being from the future makes sense"

(F) Roman:"I don't remember being this smart when I was younger Buti need you to listen to me cause this will be important. I don't want to change everything in the future but there are things I want to change"

Roman:"Things like what?"

(F) Roman:"The death of my loved ones by my own hands"

The younger Roman was taken aback. He will end up killing those he cherished. He's family. But that shock slowly fades and it changes to anger.

Roman:"You lowly bastard!"

Roman shouts running at his older self. Roman tackles him to the ground and he kneels above home. He pulls his hands back and he starts repeatedly punching him.

Roman:"Why did you do it?!"

Roman shouts at him while not letting up. His anger was fueling him and he showed no hints of stoping. But the older him hardens his face and Roman ends up hurting his hands badly. Future Roman pushes the younger him off and he stands up. He's face goes back to normal as the wounds disappear.

(F) Roman:"Roman. Calm down I'll tell you why I did it"

However his younger self refused to listen. He ran up to him and he threw a right hook but (F) Roman hardens his entire forearm and he hits his younger self into the ground. Alot of blood comes out Roman's head as the ground starts to crack and pieces of it are completely destroyed or are sent flying away. Roman lays on the ground his head bleeding but he didn't feel any pain. Strange.

(F) Roman:"You won't faint or due in here nor would you feel any pain. But please stop trying to attack me and listen"

Roman:"W-why did you do it? I want to think you're joking but I know you're telling the truth. I would never do such a thing so why?"

(F) Roman:"I was under the influence of the first founding Titan. Ymir. She thought that her subjects were becoming too dangerous for this world. When I had finally become the captain of my own squad everything was going good for me but then Ymir decided to intervene. We were at war during that time and she had managed to manipulate me into believing everyone present was my enemy. I had kids Roman but I killed them all in cold blood. I remember them crying for their dad to stop but I didn't"

Future Roman sounded angrier with each word. His younger self listened.

(F) Roman:"I killed all of the people in paradise and everyone I ever loved and knew was dead. I tried to play everything out peacefully but I ended up killing everyone and that wasn't the first time. There were other future Roman's. They told me the same thing. That was when I decided enough was enough. I had found you Roman and I let everything play out the way it did. Because you didn't have the titan yet there was nothing you could do about mother's death. But when you did I changed everything that I had experienced. We let people live who should have died and you became far stronger than I was when I was your age"

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