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Chapter Five | 'Why is it always spiders?'
>19:52 - 24:41

THE TWO BOYS SHARED A LOOK, BOTH WONDERING WHAT WAS INSIDE THAT ROOM. Why was it locked? There had got to be something in there. Marcus looked around, making sure nobody was looking or listening. He patted Peter's jacket before he walked over to the door. Being smart also helped with remembering things very easily.

"What are you doing?!" Peter whisper-yelled towards the boy who was entering a weird combination of slides and pressing buttons on the screen next to the door.

"Entering a passcode, obviously. Peter, you pay attention to people, I pay attention to detail. This detail was very important, as I, the very awkward yet quite smarter one did... this." He smirked at Peter before sliding his finger up making the door unlock. "Boom." He entered the room with Peter walking closely behind.

Machines whirred all around the room. Weird. Peter looked to his right, noticing a blue-lit up room, he peered inside with Marcus doing the same. Surprisingly, the door unlocked. Low whirs entering both boys' ears. "Oh god, why is it always spiders?" Marcus whispered as he looked at all the spiderwebs and spiders around the room.

"Hey, come on, it's not that bad." Peter pushed him inside the room.

"Hey, hey! Don't push me! If you push me again, I'll push you... out of a window! Yes, that is a threat." Peter laughed at the boy. "Oh, it's not funny. I hate spiders, if I could be any animal in the world, I would not choose spiders. It's got eight legs, creepy eyes. They're freaky!"

The two boys looked at the webs and spiders while walking around, Peter plucked a string that seemed like a spiderweb but way stronger. The whole machine stopped and all the spiders started climbing. Peter and Marcus looked up before the black-haired boy looked at Peter. "I hate you." It started to rain spiders making both boys panic. One more than the other. "Get it off! Get it off!"

The machine continued as the boys creeped out of the room and back to the tour group after smacking all of the spiders off their arms, hair, and shoulders. They walked along the corridor they came from not noticing the stares from the blond and red-haired girls who quickly walked up to them. "All right, give me the badges. Give them to me." Peter and Marcus unclipped the badges, giving them to Gwen.

"Sorry." They both apologized at the same time. Marcus felt weird when a sudden pain shot through his neck. The two shouted in pain as they grabbed their necks before earning a look from the two girls who walked away. The two grabbed their necks while Marcus silently cursed under his breath. "We better go, come on, Pete."


The two boys sat on the train, well actually they slept, Marcus lay down on the seat with his head on Peter's knee as Peter sat up with his head laying on the back of the seat. A man who stood up smirked at the two, placing his glass bottle on Marcus's head, seeing if it would balance. The coldness of it wasn't the thing that woke him up, oh no, it was a drip that touched his forehead. He leaped up, accidentally throwing the drink at a woman and landing... on the ceiling.

His heart started to beat faster when he fell from the ceiling and onto his butt on the floor. "Disgusting. Now I smell like beer." Quickly, Peter sat up and stood up placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Uh, sorry, he didn't mean to do that. He didn't mean to..." he tried to remove his hand but couldn't.

"Get your hand off her!" The man from before ordered Peter, but he couldn't. He tried and tried but his hand was stuck. The man pushed Peter only to make a t-shirt rip completely off. Everybody started laughing, everybody except Peter, Marcus, the man, and the woman. "Are you freakin' kidding me?!" Peter looked away while trying to get his hand off a pole that he had gotten himself stuck to.

The man went to punch before Marcus turned around grabbing his fist and pushing him onto the train seat, making him get stuck to the pole as well. "Man, I'm sorry! Oh, man, are you all right?" A weird feeling happened. Like what happened when the drip fell on Marcus's face and when the man went to punch Peter. The two boys lifted their legs, Peter making his go the right wall, Marcus with the left, making two men fall to the floor.

"No, man, no. Not our boards." Two men picked up Peter and Marcus's skateboards, going to hit them with it. "Please, dude, don't-" a man grabbed both ends of the broken skateboards, going to attack them when Peter took him, smacking him against the pole, which ended getting him stuck upside down. While trying to get up, he took the pole completely off the floor making Marcus slide through his legs and Peter start turning around when they both stood up straight, accidentally smacking people along the way. Marcus had to stand beside Peter so he would get hit with the pole currently still stuck to his hand.

"We're sorry, we're so... sorry." Marcus looked around at all the knocked-out people and the petrified woman. The pole fell to the floor, completely getting unstuck to their hands. They were shocked. Both because they had just gotten stuck to like.. lots of objects with just the palm of their hands and they just fought off people who were older than them, way older than them.

'Coney Island, next stop. Next and final stop, Coney Island."

Marcus stared down at his hand before looking up at Peter. "What the actual f-"


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