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Chapter Six | 'Dead spiders'
> 24:41 - 29:24

UNCLE BEN SAT AT THE DINING TABLE, WAITING FOR PETER TO WALK THROUGH THE DOOR. Aunt May did the same. Suddenly the door swung open, revealing the sweaty and panting Peter Parker and Marcus Allen who had broken skateboards in their hands. "Uh, hey. Hey. Hey. Sorry. I'm late. I got-" "We've been so worried. Your aunt has been too, Marcus."

"I know. I know, I was gone for a- Watch out!" Marcus's hand raised up, catching something in mid-air. "That's a fly, Marcus." Marcus let the fly go before rubbing his eyes while a spaced-out look on his face. He nodded while looking  around the room as the noise and automatic attention to it wouldn't go away.

"I'm so sorry I kept you guys up." Peter started looking at his aunt and uncle placing a hand on Marcus's shoulder as he regained focus. "I'm Insensitive, I'm irresponsible, and I'm hungry. You hungry?" He looked down at the nodding boy as the two ran over to the fridge. Peter pulled out his aunt's meatloaf, the two boys took bites of it.

"This is your meatloaf. This beats all other meatloaves." Peter chuckled while looking at Marcus who continued to nod and stuff his face. They ignored the whispers happening between the two adults. When the two adults turned to look at the boys again, their hands were full of food. "We got it. Could you call Aunt Janet? Tell her Marcus is staying over? Thanks." The boys walked up the stairs, being careful not to drop anything.


Marcus lay on Peter's bed as Peter was in the bathroom. He was playing with the RUBIX cube that was on his desk. He sat up, crossing his legs while staring down at the cube he just solved. That was... quick. Raising his hand, he felt the back of his neck when a string feeling was in his hand. He yanked on it making him wince in pain.

Lifting up the string, he noticed something hanging from the end. "Ew, ew, ew! The boy panicked throwing the dead spider away from him, making it land on the floor somewhere. Peter came into the room holding the dead, hanging spider in his hand. "Did, uh, you find this too?" Marcus nodded.

"Yeah, but I threw it, and, uh, you might accidentally step on a dead spider in the next few days. So, watch the floor." Marcus smiled looking up at the boy who threw the dead spider in the trash before running over to the bed, trying to keep his feet as far away from the spider as possible. "So, who's sleeping on the floor?" The two looked at each other.


An annoying alarm entered their ears when Marcus's hand raised up, smacking the alarm clock, breaking it into pieces. At least it's not beeping anymore. The messy Black-haired boy sat up from the floor, cringing that he might stand on a dead spider. Peter on the other hand, still slept. Well, until a loud slap echoed through the room making him sit right up. "Did you have to slap me?!" Marcus nodded before Peter walked into the bathroom. A few seconds later, Peter exited with careful movements.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to not break anything." Peter carefully opened the door wider, revealing the broken bathroom sink, curtain, et cetera. What had he been doing in there? Marcus lifted himself to sit on Peter's bed. "What happened there? We're you learning how to be a plumber? Let me say something, you'll never get the job." Ringing echoed in both boys' ears, as Peter came over and sat next to Marcus. Their focus all went to the boards on the wall. Spider.

Then they flung themselves back looking towards the blinds that rattled. Peter took deep breaths then walked towards his computer, a piece of paper getting stuck to his foot as he did so. He searched for 'Spider bites' or anything to do with them. Then what to o if you're bitten by one, et cetera, et cetera. Both boys felt the back of their necks as Spider bites showed up on the screen.

'Richard Parker spider;lkdjf;jadsj ;l-' he continued to type as the keys got stuck to his fingers. He sighed before turning to look at the smiling boy who sat on his bed.


"How long are you gonna be up here?" Marcus asked Peter as he climbed through the window to where Peter was sitting with his leg hanging off the roof. "Oh, you have that too? Hm." Peter looked up at the boy who carefully climbed back through the window then back to where Peter was. Except he actually went onto the roof this time.

Sitting next to Peter, Marcus swung his right leg off the side, just like Peter except he had his left swinging off. "See?" Marcus placed the folder next to Peter's, they were almost identical. "There the same. Except my mother's handwriting is a bit more..." "neat?" Peter laughed while he nodded.

"Did I tell you that you look good in glasses?" Marcus continued to look down at the folder as he complimented the boy in front of him. Peter glanced up, smiling ever so slightly. He shook his head, Marcus looked at him with a smile. "Then, you look good in glasses. They suit you."

The two boys stared at one another with smiles on their faces before a voice made them look down. "Peter, Marcus. What are you two doing up there?" Uncle Ben, Peter's uncle, asked the two boys, and Marcus's Uncle, Daniel, stood next to him.

"We're, uh... homework."

"Well, be careful." Uncle Daniel pointed at the two before both he and Ben walked inside the house. "That kid is gonna slip and crack his head open one day. I'm counting on it! Not in a bad way... Marcus, be careful! If you die, I'll kill you!"

Marcus laughed as Peter tapped his shoulder repeatedly. "What?" He held up the book, showing the face of Dr. Curt Conners. "Oh. Well, what are we gonna do? You have to explain this, I'm not good at understanding things with a simple nod."


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