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Chapter Nine | 'I'm so sorry'
> 37:30 - 46:13

MARCUS DECIDED TO STAY HOME AND NOT GO TO THE TOWER. He couldn't be bothered, Peter probably knew everything anyway. Why would they need him there? Suddenly, the house phone started to ring from where Marcus sat in the living room, a book in his hands. "I'll get it!" He yelled through to his Aunt who yelled 'okay' back.

Standing up, Marcus walked over to the phone, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Hiya, Marcus." It was Aunt May. "Do you know where Peter is?"

"No, sorry, Aunt May. I could go find him if you'd like-" "oh, no, it's okay. He was supposed to pick me up, I'll just walk home." Marcus thought for a moment before looking down at the keys that sat on the table. "Where are you? I'll come get you."


After picking up and dropping off Aunt May, Marcus decided he would stay for a while. He heard muffled voices coming from outside, in the dark. Peter and Uncle Ben. When the two walked in, Peter started to apologize right away. "I'm sorry, Aunt May, I..." "honestly, you don't have to apologize to me, it's your Un-"

"The hell he doesn't." "I'm sorry I got distracted, I was at Oscorp.-" "of he got distracted. Your Aunt, My wife had to get your best friend, Marcus, to come get her in the middle of the night because you got distracted." Ben looked at his nephew who stood up not noticing the other teenager in the room.

"Ben, sweetheart, honestly, I could've walked home because I am completely capable of doing s-" "you will not defend this boy!" "I'm not defen-" the adults continued to argue when Marcus noticed a car outside and an angry figure waiting for him. He stood up ignoring everything the adults were saying and going outside.

"I'm sorry, uncle Danie-" "don't speak, boy. You're in a lot of trouble. A lot of trouble, you hear me! You took the car and didn't tell us where you were going!" Daniel shouted at the boy who nodded along with his words.

"I had to, U-" "Oh, you had to? You know, you're a lot like your mother. Disobedient, irresponsible, dangerous, and a mess in the head! She believed in a man who would come to her every night, we thought it was a burglar, but no, it was your mother's messed up mind!"

"Don't talk about my mother like that, why are you so angry?" Marcus looked up at his uncle who scoffed at him and walked closer to him.

"You took the car in the middle of the night, and you forgot." Forgot? Forgot what? Marcus looked at him with confusion. "Oh, he doesn't remember, you don't remember, huh? Where were you at 9 o'clock to pick me up from work?" Realization hit Marcus's face. He was on a night shift, he takes the train to work and Marcus picks him up.

"Uncle Daniel, I'm so sor-" "Yeah, be sorry! You're just like your mother, good things too. She was responsible when she needed to, kind, brave, always spoke her mind. A great woman."

"That's all well and good. So where is she?" Marcus looked down at his hands. "Where is she? Where's my mother? She didn't think it was her responsibility to be here, to tell me this herself? That she didn't need to be here? Where is she?" Marcus looked up noticing his Aunt getting out of the car with a worried look on her face.

"How dare you-?!" "How dare I? How dare I?! How dare you?!" He looked up at his uncle with tears almost rolling down his face before he walked away. Ignoring the calls of his Uncle and Aunt. "Marcus, come back here, please." He looked back, not noticing their eyes go wide before he started to jog away.


Marcus walked along the street, not looking where he was going, only to bump into someone. "Oh, uh, sorry- Peter? What are you doing out here?" Marcus looked at his best friend who watched as a cashier from inside the shop behind the two came running out, chasing after two guys.

"Hey, kids, little help?" He asked, hoping they'd help.

"Not my policy." Peter shrugged walking away with his milk in his hand and Marcus beside him. "Don't ask." Marcus held his hands up. "Wasn't going to... you get in an argument too?" Peter nodded as the man continued to yell for the men to stop. It wasn't until two gunshots echoed that made the two turn around.

They walked across the street, ignoring all the cars that could've come over. They stared at the man laying down on the concrete and the other holding their chest. Peter crouched down, panicked and scared for the man he called uncle. Marcus came close to the other, who held his chest. It was his uncle too.

"Call an ambulance! Someone call an ambulance!" Peter yelled around before repeating his uncle's name over and over, Marcus looked over at Peter who was panicking and crying over his Uncle who lay with his eyes closed then back at his own uncle.

"Uncle Daniel, what happened? Are you okay? Yeah, you're okay. Of course, you're okay." Marcus looked down at his uncle who held his chest with a smile not realizing what was going on. "Just, uh, catching my breath." "Okay, catch your breath, take your time, you're okay. You're gonna be okay." He looked up noticing his uncle's hand turning red. He reached over, taking his hand off his chest revealing blood. "Oh, god- Uh, you're okay. Take your time."

Silence rang in Marcus's ears. "Uncle Daniel, hey, Daniel. You're okay, right? Daniel. Daniel, look at me, please. Please!" The silence continued. He placed his forehead on the other side of his uncle's chest, crying as Peter did the same.


Yes. I did use that scene. NWH, because why not.

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