chapter 49 .Bangalore

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Arohi first got startled then she realised something and gets terrified.

" Did she pick up your call ?"

" Yes she did and she was waiting for you for her bedtime story so I did your job, I told a story to her and she is so adorable she slept in between the story "

" ( Hmmm must be boring na) arohi thought in her mind, " thank you "'

" No need to thank me as It's my pleasure that I helped you in some way, so what your brother was saying... No don't mind I mean if your family needs any help so you know I can "

"No no nothing just dad is coming home soon we were planning the welcome decorations " arohi lied confidently as if ronn will know the real topic of her talk with Aditya then he will drag her to Mumbai without wasting time And she didn't want that

" Hmmm fine so should I send some event manager or decorators "

" we will manage that "

"Hmmm fine, so had your dinner "

"Yes and you " arohi didn't know why but she asked for his meal too

" Hmmm " A ray of happiness passes through ronn"s eyes

" I mean did you have your dinner? " Arohi cleared her question

" No, not yet "

" But it's late now "

" Hmm I know but I am just tired of having my meals all alone, I am eagerly waiting for the day when my wife will join me at my dining table .'"

Arohi didn't know how to react to his words, she started fidgeting with her stole

" Okay then goodnight Jaan "as ronn noticed her discomfort

* Good night ."

After disconnecting the call Arohi smacked her head as to why the hell she asked about his meal, she was just doing it as a formality But now she had already done the blunder

Whereas on the other hand, Ronn was smiling as his wife asked for his meal for the first time, he was happy that at least she started caring for him. Ranvijay already decided to take baby steps in this relationship, it was true that he married her by force but he had no other option left as a girl like arohi will never marry a man like him. Ranvijay 's intentions were clear he want to punish the vashisth family but when arohi stood up for her family, he had no other way left so he did what he never wanted to.

The next morning Arohi followed the same routine, she always tried to spend much time in the hospital, and Triloknath was more than happy to chat with his princess.

Veena and Arohi used to just avoid each other and that was to maintain the peace in the house. Veena still remembered Aditya's threat and she didn't want to lose her so she just ignored Arohi 's presence completely and Arohi was more relieved as she didn't want any more trouble for her dad.

Soon the day arrived when triloknath got discharged from the hospital, arohi and asawari decorated the house with balloons. Triloknath was feeling peace at heart looking at her daughter who welcomed him with a smiling face. After all, that's the only wish he has that all his children should be happy in their lives. Triloknath already decided that he will settle down arohi soon, he already started searching for a perfect boy for her with the help of some matrimonial sites.

Aditya was also searching for a perfect man for his bachu who can heal her painful past and can fill her life with love. On the other hand, arohi was getting tensed with each passing day as she has to inform her about her marriage to her family but she doesn't know how will she do that and she was scared of her family's reaction too.

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