Chapter 10

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Saturday came and went by quickly. Sunday morning was as always. Wendy woke you up by walking into your room and jumping on the bed giggling. You pulled her into your arms holding her close. Her giggles like music to your ears.

"Ready to for the day bug?" You asked in a whisper.

"Yep!" Her voice was so loud. You had only just woke up and your ears weren't ready for the loudness.

"What would you like to do today?"

She pondered for a moment; "Let's play with Sev! He looks like he wants to play in the leaves with us!" Her pure childish joy radiating off of her at the idea of playing with more people. But you suddenly got very frustrated. Severus. Not the person you were ready to hang out with.

"How about Minnie? We could play with her!" You tried desperately to change her mind but she was set in stone.

"No mamma!" You sighed, how on earth does such a little witch control your every move?

"Okay bug, but let's get you ready first."

You brushed her hair and got her ready for the day along with yourself. Making the two of you breakfast before heading out to find Severus.

He was sitting at his desk in your office head in his paper work. "Severus, would you like to come join us? Wendy wants to play in the leaves with you before they disappear for the year." Her bundled up body left your side and ran to Severus's.

"Come on! Let's go play!" He smiled down at her before glancing up at you. His eyes searched yours for a break in your barriers. When he found it he pushed in.

Is this okay with you?

I suppose, she was very adamant about having you join us. He chuckled at that and turned back to Wendy.

"I would love to Wendy! Thank you! Let me go grab my winter cloak." She ran back to your side as Severus got up and grabbed his cloak. The three of you left the castle and headed to the hill by Hagrid's hut. Their was a large clearing their that was full of leaves.

Wendy who was sat upon your hip was wiggling wildly trying to get down. You obeyed and she went flying into the leaves in a run. You laughed at her form completely buried in the leaves. Severus couldn't keep his eyes off of you as you laughed. It was music to his ears.

The two of you continued down the hill to catch up with your goofy three year old. Laughing the whole way. You reached the pile of leaves and sat beside Wendy throwing leaves back at forth. Abruptly you turned and threw a whole pile of them at Severus surprising him.

Leaves of all different colors and shapes stuck to his hair and clothing. His mouth opened slightly at being caught off guard. His eyes narrowed and his lips turned upward. He slowly reached down grabbing a handful and throwing it back at you.

The three of you began throwing leaves back and forth being careful not to hurt each other. Severus was smiling and you soaked it in. He barely ever smiled unless he was with the two of you. He couldn't help it.

After a while of playing you were a bit tired and Wendy was still playing. You looked over your shoulder at Severus sitting down and you slowly laid your back against his chest. His entire body tensed and his breathing hitched.

You soaked in his warmth, the cool breeze had chilled you even with your thick coat on. He stared down at you in shock. His body began to relax against you and even wrapped an arm around your waist to secure you to him.

You breathed in his scent of parchment and ink with hints of the potion ingredients from the last one he worked on. He relaxed you for some reason and you weren't complaining but it confused you.

Wendy giggled as she popped up from the leaves again. You pulled her into the snuggle and the three of you warmed each other.

"I suppose it's time to get back. It's getting cold." Wendy's face dropped at your statement.

"I agree. We can't have us getting sick." His monotone voice caressed your ear from behind. Your eyes fought the urge to flutter at his breath on your ear.

The three of you got up and trekked the way back to the dungeon and into your office. Sev flicked his wand and a fire sparked in the hearth. The room warmed and brightened at the fire. You set Wendy down on the floor and handed her one of her favorite toys from your purse.

You turned back to Severus. "Thanks for agreeing to come with us. I think Wendy had a lot of fun." A smile crossed your face along with a rosy blush that crept along your cheeks.

"Thanks for inviting me. I had more fun in that hour than I've had in a long while." He came closer to you. "I think it's time we talk."

"About?" You tried your hardest to be oblivious to the feelings that harbored between you.

"I think you know. Your Bluetooth speaker is on darling." Your loud thoughts were of his hands on your waist and his lips on yours. Exactly like it was that night in his chambers. You tried to school your thoughts and build the barrier up but his hold was too tight.

You're thinking of things that should not be spoken of in front of a child. Would you like to escort her to daycare? His insinuation almost mad you mad. But the heat rising in between your legs made it very difficult.

No Severus. You left it at that unwilling to discuss the topic further.

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