Chapter 22

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A/n: Hey everyone! I'm so thankful for all the love shown on my story. I just wanted to add a little info. If I repeat information or something doesn't seem quite right it's because I'm writing this as I go along. I have a tendency to forget something I've already stated so if I repeat something please just comment or hit me up and I'll fix it right away. Enjoy the story!

Today is the first day of break. All the students were rushing home last night and now most of the teachers have left to go back to their personal estates unless they were called upon to watch the students that stayed at Hogwarts.

I was hoping Severus would invite me and Wendy to his personal estate but that hadn't happened.

Severus had filled out the paper work for worker relations long ago but it was only now that our two rooms were being joined into one. With most of the students gone it was perfect time for the workers to use their magic and make us an apartment/house combo.

So with Christmas happening along with the construction I had truly hoped that Severus would have us visit his home. Maybe meet his family.

That's when my thoughts stopped. We've never talked about our families before. Just Dane and Wendy. Never our parents or cousins or anyone in relations to us.

"Hey bug, wanna go find Sevy?" I ask and Wendy's face lit up.

"Yay! Sevy!" I hold her hand and we walk up to our shared office. I can hear Sev rummaging through papers from outside the door.

I let go of Wendy's hand and open the door. Before I can even react Wendy is running into the room yelling "Daddy Sevy! Wanna play?"

My mind goes blank. I just stand there and stare at them. Severus just smiles and picks Wendy up setting her on his hip. "Yeah sure. Wanna go build a snowman?"

"YEAH!" She shouts and gives him a hug from his hip.

That's when his eyes meet my shocked ones. I haven't moved from the doorway since I heard Wendy call him Daddy Sevy. Where the hell had she heard that before?

The smirk growing on his face could never ever match the shock on mine. He stalked toward me with Wendy still on his hip, covered in his cloak.

"How would you feel if we all went to build a snowman... Mommy?" My stomach flipped. Did he just call me mommy? Fuck me, I don't know what to think of this.

"I think your mommy is a little shocked right now Bug, why don't you go put your coat on. It's in the back closet over there." Sev points to his storage closet that has extra clothes for all three of us in there, including cloaks, hats, gloves, and scarves.

When he sets Wendy down and she dashed off he walks over to me. "Mmm Mommy dearest, does me being called Daddy affect you?" I visibly gulp and Sev takes another step toward me. "What I would give to hear you call me Daddy. Appropriately and inappropriately." He takes one more step closer and attacks my lips with a passionate kiss. "Delicious."

"Do you want to build a snowman, Daddy?" The pure sugar coated love glazed his eyes.

"Imagine if that was to become my permanent name for the three of us."

"I wouldn't be opposed, but I don't know if I ready for that."

"I'm not expecting you to be ready for that love. We've been dating for 4 months. That's not a long time. Just a thought for the future."

Then Wendy came bounding back to us with her coat and her gloves on. "Momma! I'm ready! Please let Sevy come!"

"I think you and Sevy should go together. I have to wrap your presents and make sure Santa knows our new address." Severus smirks at me and picks Wendy up.

"Okay! Sevy let's go!"

The two of the head out and I'm left alone in the office. I decide to head back to Minerva's room and get to work on the Christmas presents. Having only 3 days left before the big day I have a lot of work to do.

With a pile of toys and new clothes for Wendy and presents for all the teachers I get to work on wrapping. After an hour I've gotten everything done but Severus's watch.

I gaze at the intricate details and beautiful handy work that was carved into the watch. I closed the box the watch came in and set it in a small black satin bag with the initials S.T.S. stitched in gold.

The watch wasn't much but it meant so much at the same time. It meant love and caring, trust, freedom, and never ending happiness. Yes that sounds like a proposal but it's a promise that I'm making to him that I'm not taking this lightly. Carrie would have considered it like a promise ring in the form of a watch. But what would she know.

When all the presents were finished I set them back in the closet in Minerva's room and locked it.

Wondering why it had taken Severus and Wendy over an hour to make a snowman I head up to the courtyard and see Wendy lying on her back making snow angels while Severus finishes the snowman.

I stand in the archway of the corridor watching them with a smile dancing on my face. When an arm wraps around my waist and a hand covers my mouth. A deep voice whispers in my ear.

"She's happy now. You kept her from me and she's happy with another man. You'll pay for that." I thrash against him. "Petrificus Totalus." My body stills and even though I'm fighting and punching, my body stays still.

NO! I scream in my head. My mouth won't move. Dane picks me up bridal style and takes me down a different corridor before apparating.

Wendy is safe, Wendy is safe. I keep repeating that in my head. I've dealt with Dane's abuse before and I can again. As long as Wendy is safe I'll be fine.

But the next face I meet makes me want to vomit and cry and kms all at once. The blueish white face that's missing a nose. Voldemort.

Dane joined Voldemort. How did Severus not know? He works with that man! Severus. That motherfucking traitor.

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