Chapter 68

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He's awake

The words rattle through my brain. Then I remembered something. His first memories pulled from him were still in his locksafe. I ran and grabbed them, fiddling with his locks and gadgets. Then I apparated home in the storm. I ran through the wet field, making my way to the cottage as fast as I possibly could.

The front door flung open and I immediately went to him. He was sitting up in the bed reading a muggle newspaper.

"Severus." I whisper breathlessly.

"Y/n." A small smile spread across his pale lips as he set the paper to the side. "Come here." He beckoned.

I walked from the doorway to his side and I perched myself on the edge of his bed. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead mixing in with the water droplets from the sprint into the house.

"My girl." He whispered as he brushed a strand of hair out of my eye. "I know you're mine, I know the ins and outs of your mind without being in it. But yet... I don't know you."

"It's okay Sev, we-"

"I like that nickname." He seemed to ponder it for a second.

I grabbed his hand softly and squeezed it. "I love calling you that nickname. But we have all your memories, if and when you're ready for them." He could sense my tentativeness and arched a brow.

"Is it bad?"

"No, just a lot. A lot of emotions to handle, especially when you're still recovering."

"That's okay. I believe I can handle it." With a swift movement I grabbed one of the two vials from my pocket, I held it up.

"These are your memories from before I left Hogwarts. You stored these in your potions classroom for safe keeping. This will explain all of our backstory. How we fell in love. Everything."

He nodded and held out his hand. I uncorked the vial for him and handed it over. Carefully he tipped it back into his mouth and chugged the contents of the vial.

He winced at it and then suddenly his eyes snapped back to mine. It was like watching a clear film slowly come off of his eyes. All the haze and fog of who I was disappearing.

I gave him a few moments as he took in the months of our relationship. Almost a year. I don't listen in on his thoughts out of privacy but it was easy to tell when he was remembering the spicier things we did.

Then, quietly, he murmured something. "Wendy... daddy's little bug."

It felt as if my heart was literally aching at that. My Wendy has her daddy back.

Suddenly, sheer panic crossed his face and he lurched at me, placing both hands on my stomach. "Y/n?!"

"She's in the other room playing with Clint and Wendy. She's eight months old. She's growing up way too fast."

Sadness but yet relief flooded his face as he sat back down on the bed. "I missed it all."

"Not all, but most. We have pictures and vials of your few visits."

Finally, he seemed to fully come back to me. "It was smart of you to leave. Unspeakable and terrible things happened after you left. But I can't believe I missed Henley's birth."

"Yes you missed her birth, but you did see her on her first day in this world."


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