Chapter 48

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I felt the one thing every woman dreads. The feeling of a period. I grasp onto Severus's shoulder and give Minerva the look.

"No." I whisper. "No no no no. Take me to Poppy now." I take a deep breath. "Thank you everyone so much! Severus is taking me to my birthday surprise." I lie through my teeth and he escorts me out.

As soon as we're out of the room I look into his eyes panicked and he immediately picks me up bridal style and carries me to the nurses wing as fast as he physically can.

By the time we're sitting in front of Poppy, I have tears falling down my face. And when I look to Severus, he's crying too as he tries desperately to comfort me with the simple touch of his hand on mine.

Poppy takes a deep breath when we sit down and she goes, "what's wrong?"

"I felt my period start. I think I'm having a miscarriage." At those words Severus let's put a sob and drops his head between his shoulders.

She hands me a pad and asks Severus to go fetch me a fresh pair of underwear.

He hurries away and I sit there with Poppy while I cry.

"It might not be a miscarriage," she sighs "but bleeding sounds like that."

"Was the surprise party the reason?"

"I wasn't invited to the surprise party?" She humphs. "But the shock could be part of it, but if it's a miscarriage it's probably due to the egg not setting right into the uterine tissue." I nod unable to form words through the onslaught of tears.

Severus comes rushing back through the door his robes flying behind him.

He hands me the fresh set and I get up to use the medic wing bathroom. When I get back I sit down on the medic bed.

Poppy pulls a curtain around us and pulls out a machine I've never seen before. "This is a very helpful muggle device used for seeing the baby in your uterus." She sets it up and then puts a cold liquid like substance on my stomach. She uses the thing to spread the substance and an image appears on the screen.

It's baby Henley sitting in me and she's cute even though the picture is very blurry. Then she continues to move the thing until a small sound emerges from it.

"That's Henley's heart beat. She's okay, this is just normal bleeding that happens around the 12 week period. It's completely normal and should stop by the end of the day. For now just wear some pads and relax. If anything else happens like stabbing pains worse than cramps or big clots occur than come back."

I hold Severus as she wipes off the substance and I try to get control of my tears. Severus kisses my forehead and I lean into him.

"Not the scare I needed on my birthday!" I cry out through tears and relieved laughter.

"Happy birthday Y/n, as your birthday present you can keep the scans of Henley." She hits a little button on the machine and across the room a buzzing noise starts. She walks over to it and when she's back she's holding the pictures of baby Henley all black and white and blurry but cute either way.

We collect ourselves and then go back to the party.

We come back in after collecting ourselves and preparing for all the students to say "ooh" and whatever other inappropriate jokes they would come up with.

But everyone was too busy shoveling cake into their mouths and chatting. We joined in the party, I opened some gifts, and we ate some cake. It was all wonderful and calming after the big scare.

We the day was over and Severus escorted me back to our room, we were supposed to have some fun together while Minerva played with Wendy but after the day's events, we decided to snuggle up by the fire and enjoy knowing that Henley is safe and sound.

"Happy birthday my love." Severus whispered against my hair as he held me in his arms. "I know it's not what we were expecting but it all turned out okay. Now we even have a picture of our little girl."

I mumble something that he doesn't quite hear.

"What?" He asks sitting up a little straighter.

"She has your nose." I say barely audible which a chuckle.

He starts cracking up and nods, "you think so? I was thinking she had your chin and maybe even your toes."

"My toes?!"

"Mmhmm. We'll have to be careful, creeps will be trying to get feet pictures."

I start dying laughing, "How do you even know about that?"

"Eh one of the muggle-borns were talking about it. Very annoying but it was also kind of funny."

I lean my head into his chest and smile up at him. "Marry me?"

He pauses and cocks his head to the side. "I- I thought we already did this? Was I dreaming? Am I dreaming?"

"Answer the question."

"Yes of course I'll marry you, you big goofball." He kisses my nose and smiles. I love that smile.

"I'm scared." I admit. "I'm scared for what is coming. The dark lord is angry with you and probably even more with me. The war is coming soon and we know it. And once Henley is born all hell is going to break loose."

"I know, I'm well aware. Death Eater meetings are getting worse every time. But today is not the day to worry over this. Today we celebrate you and the life you've lived and the life you've survived. And then we celebrate the lives you've created. You're a wonderful amazing person who I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with."

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you too Sev. You're my second favorite person but don't tell Minerva. She was already upset that Wendy beat her if she found out you did too all hell would break loose literally. She'd have a corpse army or something."

"I wouldn't put it past her." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my close, keeping his hands safely secured around the slowly forming baby bump.

A/N: ahhh Sev <3

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