Chapter 23

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My entire body is frigid from being out in the cold so long. Wendy though, is having a blast as usual. Y/n better be done wrapping presents soon otherwise I might get frostbite.

"Daddy Sevy! Look what I did!" I look up from where I'm packing the last bit of snow into the snow man and Wendy is covered in snow from head to toe. There's a slightly large spot on the ground from where she stood up from. It looks like a little angel.

"Good job Wendy! You ready to go back inside? I'll make you some hot cocoa." I'll bargain with a 3 year old I just want to warm up!

"Okay! As long as it's EXTRA chocolatey."

I grin at her as I go to grab her hand. Holding hands we walk back into the castle and I put her on my hip before walking down the staircases.

It's been an hour since we got in and Y/n is still no where to be seen. Wendy has been fed and she's enjoyed her hot cocoa. I had Minerva come and give her a bath, and I helped pick out her pajamas which Minerva also helped with.

Now Wendy is sitting on the couch playing with her toys in her footed-pjs and babbling to herself while Minerva and I try not to outwardly panic as Y/n's been gone for quite awhile.

"Where could she have gone?" I whisper, "She would never leave Wendy with anyone especially without an explanation."

"I agree but we can't be too hasty. What if she just ran into town to buy a few last minute gifts. There's no reason to alert Albus or the Ministry yet."

"Minerva. I understand your reasoning but what if Dane found her. He did break into her room. I shouldn't have left her alone."

*Slap* Minerva's had struck my face. "Severus Tobias Snape! You listen here. You will not blame this on yourself for one second. Do you understand me?!" She whisper yelled at me.

I hold my cheek and nod my head. My untamed hair falling in my face. "I'm sorry Minerva. I'm just worried about her. Thank you for making me see clearly. This was not my fault and I understand that I just wish I could have done more to prevent it."

"We don't even know if she's missing yet. She could have gotten carried away into a project. Don't overthink it yet."

The hours clicked by with the slowest speed I've ever felt. The fire had dimmed and Wendy fallen asleep. After a few hours Minerva had left to talk to Albus and she return five minutes ago just to sit on the couch and keep me company.

My feet haven't stopped moving. Six steps forward, stop, turn around, six steps forward, stop, turn around, repeat.

"Stop pacing Severus. It's not helping and it's giving me a migraine."

"It is helping!" My voice getting increasingly louder, "It's helping me ignore the sensation of the dark mark burning. The dark lord can kill me for all I care! I just need to make sure Y/n is safe." The silence in the room became deafening. Both our eyes widen as we lock eye contact.


I apparated to Malfoy Manor in seconds and calmly walked in. The table in their study was completely packed except for one chair. I walked casually to it and kept my features cool.

"Severus, how kind of you to join us. What took so long my faithful servant?"

I bowed my head and sat in the open seat. "I was taking care of a coworkers daughter. She needed to wrap presents and I was the only teacher free apparently. The child had to be given to another teacher before I could respond to your call." Pain coated my throat as I plainly lied.

"Is that so, I had intel that you were in a relationship with the child's mother. Is this true Severus?"

"You're sources have been misinformed. You gave me strict instructions to preform as if I was their faithful teacher. The woman was merely a ruse."

"Thank you for clearing that up for me Severus." Voldemort turned to another at the table. "It seems your wife has been used. Which means you can take her back. I don't need to dispose of her." My breathing stopped and it took everything in me not to change facial expressions or yell out.

"Thank you my lord, will you do the honors?"

Voldemort nodded his head. "Happily." He pointed his wand to the ceiling and everyone looked up. On the ceiling was Y/n bleeding from multiple wounds and gagged. With a flick of his wand, Y/n fell to the table with a loud thud and a crack.

I cringed and Dane stood from his seat, scooping Y/n up into his arms bridal style and walked away.

It took everything in me not to stare daggers as Dane left. Steeling my grip on the cold mask, I turned to the dark lord, expressionless, and let him continue the meeting.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours as the dark lord questioned his loyal servants and explained his new plan to kill the boy who lived.

Dane never returned nor did Y/n, my heart beat picking up pace every time I glance at the clock on the wall. The amount of things that could be going wrong right now. The amount of things Dane could be doing to her. She doesn't deserve this, no one does. If I ever get my hands on Dane he will never live another day.

Finally the meeting was adjourned and I was allowed to leave. When the attendees of the meeting had disbursed and everyone had left I made my way to Lucius.

"Where did he take her?" I ask my voice still even but my hands fisted into tight balls.

"Who are you referring to Severus?" Lucius drawled with a smirk coating his sharp features. He knew exactly who I was referring to.

"Y/n you ass hole!" I growled out in a deep voice that surprised me. "Where did Dane take Y/n?!"

"They're upstairs in the guest suite. I'd wait... another half an hour. I wouldn't want to walk in on something scarring."

Fury radiated from my body and I shove my way past Lucius fucking Malfoy. The stairs and long corridors go by in a flurry as I dash down them. Y/n is only seconds away.

I get to the guest bedroom door and fling it open to reveal an empty room with a neatly made bed. Blood coating the comforter. I walk into the room holding in sobs. I get to the bed and clutch the blanket in my fist while tears fall down my cheeks.

"That bastard will pay for this!" I cry out my voice ruff and distraught. "That motherfucker will die tonight."

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