Chapter 28

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I arrive at Hogsmead as I begin to rifle through my purse for my muggle phone. Chapstick, pens, calculator, pencils, pads, tampons, ah there it is phone.

I hop out of the carriage while I look through my phone for my parents' contacts. 'Mom & Dad Group Chat'. I click on it and begin texting as I walk through town to the plaza of stores.

"Hey Mom & Dad! Sorry I know it's been a long time. I was wondering if we could meet up soon? I want to introduce you to someone special and tell you some big news! Only if you're up to it.


I send the message and put my phone in my back pocket. I continue walking for a few minutes with the cold winter winds blowing against me before I see the shop I want to go into.

I duck my head into the store and I walk along the back wall until I see the tests. I grab a few of them all different brands. After I have the tests I continue walking through the store to see if anything looks like a good birthday present for Sev.

Unfortunately I don't see anything good enough for my best friend and lover. Nothing that could compare to a positive pregnancy test. Especially if that's not news that he's ready for. For fuck's sake I don't even know if that's news I'm ready for.

Slowly I make my way to the counter and lay the tests face down. The woman at the counter looks from the tests to me back to the tests. She nods her head and quietly bags them for me.

"That'll be 1 galleons Miss." I cough up the money to her and take my bag.

"Have a good day ma'am." I say before I duck out of the building and she reciprocates it with a curt nod allowing for her bright red hair to bounce in their curls.

I hurry to HoneyDukes and shop around for all sorts of goodies. I buy the chocolate frogs Wendy wanted, some acid pops, fizzing whizzbees, and cauldron cakes. I then get a few handfuls of the exploding bonbons for a treat to the students.

Once all the goods have been paid for and bagged, I decide to stop at the branches off bit of Ollivanders in Hogsmead to get a replacement wand.

My wand has already chose me but I still haven't managed to find it since being kidnapped.

So once I have a functioning wand, I head back to the carriage to be taken back to Hogwarts. The desperate feeling I had earlier started to come back to me and overwhelm me. So I decided right then and there I would have Minerva come and sit with me while we waited for the results.

But I still had the entire carriage ride before then. So I decided to check my phone and there was a message from my Mother on there.

"Oh Y/n bug! It's been so long since we've heard from you! Your father and I would be ecstatic to meet this important person in your life and hear the big news! We're free anytime this week and next so just let us know when and where to meet you dear. Thanks for thinking of us!

-Momma Bug"

Emotions are a funny thing. No matter how hard you try to repress them, they always find their way back to you. That one message from Mom was the key to all those pent up emotions that hadn't been taken care of yet. Tears stream down my cheeks causing my hair to stick to my face and for my makeup to become smudged and rough looking.

I take out my replacement wand and redo my barriers to cover the tear streaks and old scars and bruises.

The trip back to Hogwarts was quick as ever and before I knew it I was back on Hogwarts grounds.

I make my way inside with my bag of goods and head straight for Minerva's personal office knowing that she'll be grading papers after school.

*knock knock* "Come in!" Minnie calls from inside her office and I quickly open her door and close it behind me.

"Minerva I need to ask a favor."

"I'm listening." She says as she looks up from the papers she was grading.

I pull out a test from my bag. "Sit with me while I wait for the results?"

She sighs out. "Oh of course dear. I would be happy to. Are you and Severus trying?"

"No... it just sort of happened. I'm very sure it'll be positive I can just feel it. But I still need to be sure."

"You know Poppy could have done one for you. Well obviously you didn't know but for future reference she'll give you a test anytime."

"Oh... well too late now. Let's go to your room so I can take this." She just points to the back wall of her office where a dark oak door stood.

"I have a bathroom attached to my office. Just go in there and pee on the stick then come back out here."

*exhales loudly* "Okay let's do this then." I head into the bathroom that's pearly white and beautiful and open the first test. It's a digital one that says pregnant or not pregnant.

I do the do, wash my hands, and set the test on the sink before heading back out to Minerva's office.

"It's done. Now we just wait." She smiles gently at me.

"How long does this one make us wait?"

"3 minutes."

"Are you ready for it to say positive? Are you ready for it to say negative?"

"Truthfully, I'm not sure for either. I haven't even told Severus yet. He doesn't know I even bought the tests. He would've told me to go to Poppy." You chuckle lightly. "I'm so nervous Minnie." She stands and holds out her arms. I walk over and embrace her tightly. If only this hug could last forever.

"I set a timer... when it goes off we can check it." She nods again and squeezes me tighter.

"Either way it'll be okay. No matter what it says Severus, you, and me will figure this out. Even Albus will help."

"Okay. Thank you Minerva. For everything."

"Of course dear." We go and sit on the couch she has in her office and she just hugs me.

*Beep Beep* The timer goes off. It's time to check the test.

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